Candidate Profiles

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Image by upklyak on Freepik.

The Journal has invited all candidates in the 2023 Town Elections to submit a 250-word first-person profile.

Where none has yet been received we have in some cases used content from the Journal archives or from the candidate’s election leaflets, social media etc.

Primrose Bridge (3 seats)

Aleena Aleena (Conservative)

Aleena Aleena.

My name is Aleena and I may be the youngest candidate in this election. I have been raised in Bradley Stoke and had my schooling at the local school. I am aspiring to be an architect. I have been part of the local youth arts group and am proud to live in a beautiful area like Bradley Stoke with such a kind community.

I have engaged in litter-picking campaign groups and regularly take walks through the Three Brooks Nature Reserve since I was young. Last year, I was one of the few community members enthusiastic to hoist the St George’s Flag and the Ukrainian flag at the Jubilee Centre to commemorate England’s National Day and to express our solidarity with our suffering Ukrainian brethren. I have been involved in the Blood and Organ donation campaign. I am keen to listen to the diverse views of the residents and am interested in finding ways to innovate and ensure quality services for the community.

I support better school funding campaigns and appreciate the new budget provisions to enhance school services. I want to ensure that facilities such as our local buses remain helpful and enjoyable for everyone. I feel so lucky to grow up in a safe, calming area, and wish to help future generations maintain these close bonds with the community and keep a positive outlook on Bradley Stoke.

Thanks to Cllr Tom Aditya and to all those who recommended me to stand as a Town Councillor candidate for Primrose Bridge Ward.

Tony Griffiths (Conservative)

Tony Griffiths.

Note: This candidate is standing in both the district and parish/town elections.

I am a sitting councillor in Bradley Stoke since 2011, currently serving as Mayor. I always listen to the wishes of the constituents and apply their wishes wherever practical and economically possible. I am looking forward to and will continue to act for and help the people of Bradley Stoke. Last year, I was delighted to receive a civic honour of the Order of St George, for my 37 years of charity work, 11 years of military service and 11 years as an unpaid councillor.

I have lived in Bradley Stoke for 18 years. I come from an Architectural Technician background and had a period in the military, followed by successful roles in business and hospitality. I am currently working as a Logistics Inspector.

We are so lucky to have such a lovely town of Bradley Stoke, however, there is always room for improvement. The Conservative party administration of the Town council brought many good community projects and development programmes to Bradley Stoke, whilst keeping tax precepts low. I am eager to continue that and progress further with the support of our Conservative councillor colleagues. I am standing as a Conservative candidate for the Bradley Stoke Town Council from Primrose Bridge Ward along with our young prospective councillor Aleena and my friend Anil Mishra. Please vote for me and our team.

Anil Mishra (Conservative)

Anil Mishra.

I am Anil Mishra. I am holding Master’s degree and having 10+ yr’s working experience in Aerospace & Energy industry. Presently, I am working in the Airbus, Filton.

I am a self-motivated and hardworking professional with a passion for human safety and Equality, Environment Sustainability. I have wide working experience in multi-cultural, multi-lingual diversified domain. I really enjoyed and found interesting meeting new people with diversified cultural background and community engagement which makes a real difference in people’s lives.

I have participated in volunteering activities and been involved in multiple community events. Also, I have taken some initiatives and arranged community based events to build cultural harmony in Bradley stoke.

I believe, becoming a Councillor is a fantastic way to contribute to our local community and address their needs which make a difference. Presently, I am living in Bradley stoke North along with my family and I have identified some major/minor issues around the Bradley stoke area i.e.

  1. Protect our GREEN Spaces
  2. Maintain and Improve People Safety
  3. Improvement of Jubilee Green Area
  4. Support Public Transport services

James Nelson (Green)

James Nelson.

Note: This candidate is standing in both the district and town elections.

I’m James, I’m an 18-year-old student and have lived in this area for most of my life. I’ve seen this town grow and improve year after year, but I’ve also seen this town struggle. I see the anger at Conservative failures here in Bradley Stoke. And I’ve been the victim of many of their failures personally. As someone who relies on the buses, I have experienced time and time again what happens as a result of Conservative underfunding of our bus services. As a young person, I have seen the failure to invest in our youth services and, as a concerned environmentalist, I have seen words never turn into action on climate. 

That’s what pushed me to stand for Bradley Stoke Town Council and South Gloucestershire Council as a Green Party candidate. Greens across the country have delivered this kind of change. In Bristol, Greens have helped to secure: liveable neighbourhoods; a more democratic system of governance; and more funding for special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) services. In South Gloucestershire, we successfully campaigned to stop the disruptive, costly, environmentally damaging and potentially dangerous throughabout scheme on the ring road. In Filton, Green Party Town Councillor Dan Boardman is leading projects to rejuvenate Filton Leisure Centre and get 100 new trees planted in that area.

Greens work for their communities. That’s why if elected I will:  

  • Stand up for our community every time of year, not just when there’s an election on! 
  • Push for the council to engage in consistent and visible action on the climate crisis! 
  • Defend transparency, decency and trust in politics.

So please vote for me on May 4th!

? James Nelson on social media: FacebookTwitter

Kulwinder Sappal (Labour)

Kulwinder Sappal.

Note: This candidate is standing in both the district and town elections.

I’m Kulwinder Singh SAPPAL and I am honoured to have been selected as a labour party candidate for Bradley Stoke South. I am an engineer by profession having worked for Fujifilm, BOC, Airbus, Bombardier and EADS Astrium over a 30 year period after completing my apprenticeship and BEng (Hons) in London.

I have lived in Bradley Stoke for 22 years and this has given me a unique perspective on how I can help improve the lives of local residents. Being heard and making a difference to local communities is what got me interested in politics. I think the most important issues around here at the moment is transport, whether it is traffic affecting drivers due to road works or First bus affecting commuters by cutting some bus routes. I would work hand in hand with Dan Norris (Mayor of the West of England) and WECA to ensure that road works and bus timetables are communicated and agreed in advance.

Making a tangible difference in the community and being able to resolve people’s problems gives me a great sense of satisfaction. I believe that our public services such as schools, NHS, transport, parks, libraries, leisure centres and community centres should be sufficiently funded. Any cuts in funding impacts individuals and communities in a very negative way and we should all fight against the cuts.

In my spare time I am involved in cricket and volunteer on a regular basis as a coach, umpire and general helper at local and national events.

Andy Ward (Independent)

Andy Ward.

Andy Ward is an active member of the local community who has worked tirelessly to ensure that Bradley Stoke shakes off the “Sadly Broke” title in favour of being known as the close knit community that our town has developed into. Having taken part in many community groups and local events in the past decade, Andy is well-known around the town and understands the wants, needs and interests of the local residents better than many.

A proud town councillor of ten years, Andy has put the town and its residents at the heart of everything he does. Having stood as an independent councillor, Andy is able to put the needs of the town first without being held back by party politics. He has been lucky to work closely with residents and support local initiatives through his work on the council and Almondsbury Charity. He takes a keen interest in town development in all areas – both residential and community – and has worked to deepen his knowledge at every opportunity, including sitting on both the Leisure, Youth and Amenities Committee and the Planning Committee in his role as town councillor.

Standing once again as an independent candidate, Andy hopes you will support him in his continued efforts to improve the town, bring the community closer together and get to the heart of what matters most to local residents.

Election leaflet of Andy Ward (and Marion Ward) [PDF, 6.6MB; on Dropbox]

Bradley Stoke latest news.

Stoke Brook (2 seats)

Keith Cranney (Conservative)


Note: This candidate is standing in both the district and town/parish elections.

My name is Keith Cranney and I have been living in this neighbourhood for over 40 years. I am married with 2 grown-up sons. I started working as a local government officer in 1974. After retirement, I was elected to the South Gloucestershire Council in May 2003 and became chairman of the Regulatory Committee of the Council. Residents put their trust continuously in me and I was re-elected in 2007, 2011, 2015, and 2019 as part of the Conservatives Panel.

I am currently Chairman of the Licensing sub-committee and the Stoke Gifford Community Engagement Forum, and a Member of the Avon Fire Authority and the Development Control Planning Committee of the Council. I am also a parish councillor in Stoke Gifford since 2003 and a Bradley Stoke Town Councillor since 2007.  I chaired the Stoke Gifford Parish Council and the Bradley Stoke Planning and Environment Committee for years.

As a retired Local Government Officer, I brought experience and knowledge to the table. I have always given priority to the community. I have been attending and resolving many community issues during the last 20 years as a councillor. All my constituents are happy with my service, which gives me much gratification. I am standing as a Conservative candidate for the Bradley Stoke Town Council from Stoke Brook Ward as well as for the District Council from Stoke Gifford. I wish to pursue my services for the benefit of the community. Please vote for me and our team.

Tony Hyde (Conservative)

Tony Hyde.

My name is Tony Hyde, and some of my friends call me Anthony. I have a great love for Bradley Stoke, having been one of the very first residents in 1988. After living in Bradley Stoke for more than 33 years, I currently live in a nearby ‘Retirement Village’.  I am a graduate of St John’s College, Oxford, and served as a Principal Local Government Officer. After retirement from service, I’ve lots of spare time to represent Bradley Stoke. I enjoy being part of the community and currently serve as a parish councillor. Thanks to Cllr Tom Aditya and all those who encouraged me to involve in community activities.

I am standing as a Conservative candidate for the Bradley Stoke Town Council from Stoke Brook Ward. Please vote for me and our team. Our aim is to promote social harmony in Bradley Stoke, make sure we all get adequate medical care at the right time, enhance local amenities and facilities, ensure good bus services, help conserve our green spaces, beautify and keep Bradley Stoke in bloom, boost up youth provisions, reduce social isolation and loneliness amongst the elderly, preserve the road network in top condition and keep car parking free. Let’s together build a Better Bradley Stoke. Thank you.

Jenny James (Labour)

Jenny James.

I have lived in Bradley Stoke since 2001.  I’m married to Nigel and live with 4 cats.  I am a 4th generation Labour Party member and a member of GMB Trade Union and the Co-operative Party.  I am on the committee of the 3 Brooks Nature Reserve Conservation Group, and involved with the Friends of 40 Acres, Splatts Abbey Wood Conservation Group, Bradley Stoke in Bloom and Friends of Meade Park.  I am also involved in co-ordinating three neighbourhood residents groups in Bradley Stoke.  I am a member of Willowbrook Townswomens Guild, Soroptimists International, Stoke Gifford WI and Winterbourne Evening WI.  I am on the committee for Little Stoke Ladies Group.  I am involved with community litter picking, in both Bradley Stoke and Stoke Gifford.  Faith is very important to me and I attend Church on a regular basis and have previously been a Church Warden.  Last year I co-ordinated a successful harvest festival with a local church, which did a collection for a local foodbank and Sisters of the Church in St Pauls.  I am a member of Christians on the Left.  In my spare time, I love to read books, and I’m member of the Bookaholics Book Club which meets monthly in Bradley Stoke I also like eating out, quiz nights, cinema, gigs, festivals, local history, walking, and I’m studying for a degree Psychology with the Open University.  During the COVID 19 Pandemic I worked in the NHS for Bristol Nightingale Hospital and helped to set up a local COVID 19  support group in my neighbourhood.

Marion Ward (Independent)

Marion Ward.

Marion Ward has been a proud resident of the Bradley Stoke community since it was first developed, having lived in the same home since she bought it off-plan with her husband three decades ago.

During this time, Marion has been an active member of the community in many ways. A passionate fundraiser, Marion has worked hard to raise money for several local charities over the years through organising fundraising events and running stalls at community functions.

Marion is dedicated to the wellbeing of the town and has volunteered for several local community groups over the past 30 years, playing a key role in each. She never shies away from a challenge and has enjoyed the opportunity to assist in the organisation of many local events. During Marion’s time away from the town council she has continued to serve the community. Marion is A passionate member of the Almondsbury Charity committee and has been able to help ensure through her involvement that the funds are donated to those who need it most.

A past councillor, Marion remains incredibly passionate about the development of our community and always put the needs of the local residents at heart. With your support, Marion hopes to be elected to serve another term as an independent councillor, working tirelessly to improve the town on your behalf. With your support she can continue to ensure that decisions are made with our community’s best interests at heart, not those of political parties.

Election leaflet of Marion Ward (and Andy Ward) [PDF, 6.6MB; on Dropbox]

Jon Williams (Liberal Democrats)

Jon Williams.

Note: This candidate is standing in both the district and town elections.

I am now retired after working for 41 years with Bristol City Council. My wife and I moved to Stoke Gifford from Bradley Stoke back in 2020. Both our daughters live locally and we have 2 grandchildren one goes to Baileys Court School and other goes to Busy Bees nursery.

I have had previous experience on both South Gloucestershire Council and Bradley Stoke Town Council so I know the ropes and how to get things done.

I also volunteer for the Police at Patchway Custody Suite where I go to talk to the detainees and make sure their welfare is being supported.

Too many times things happen in our area without anyone asking the residents if it’s a good idea. Under this council consultation and listening are forgotten words and so my colleagues and I will listen and consult with you in a meaningful way and respond to any communication to us within 5 days.

If I am elected at the forthcoming elections I will use my time to ensure that all parts of Stoke Gifford get their fair share of resources from the council particularly the new Sort It Centre we were promised 3 years ago, the proposed community building at Brookland Park, more road surfacing to prevent more damage to our vehicles and I will campaign for more reliable, affordable and greener buses for our area.


Webbs Wood (3 seats)

Roger Avenin (Conservative)

Roger Avenin.

Note: This candidate is standing in both the district and town elections.

I am Roger Avenin and have I believe fought the good fight on behalf of Bradley Stoke for the last 8 years on South Glos Council and for 15 years on Bradley Stoke Town Council.

Coming from a finance background I am acutely aware of the financial pressures that residents face and through BS conservatives we have managed to keep the Town Council Precept to very low levels. In fact in the last 17 years there have been only 3 minor increases. Contrast this with Labour run neighbouring wards such as Filton and Patchway where this element is much higher.

On South Glos Council I sit on Planning and Regulatory Committees.

In other activities I have and will continue to campaign against the possibility of building 2000+ houses on Woodlands Golf Course and the traffic chaos that this would bring. I have stood with residents against McDonalds/Starbucks which was unfortunately lost on appeal, I have campaigned on various road safety issues, have supported the expansion of Baileys Court Primary school, have supported the upgrading of Baileys Court children’s playground, and strongly supported a new build storage facility for our Scouts at Brook Way. I am also a staunch defender of our wildlife areas in particular the 3 Brooks Nature Reserve. These are just of the few activities amongst many others I have been involved in over the years.

If re-elected I will continue to represent the residents of the town to the best of my abilities. Don’t forget that I live here too.

John Bradbury (Labour)

John Bradbury.

Note: This candidate is standing in both the district and town elections.

I’m John Bradbury and I have lived with my family in Bradley Stoke for over 17 years. My four children grew up here and attended local nurseries, and schools in Stoke Gifford and Winterbourne. I’m seeking election to work for a fairer society, with better respect for our environment and for each other. I’m now retired, so I have time to make our town a better place. I’m a keen cyclist so I’d like to see better road safety in the town, more respect for our environment and for one another: We all live here, so I want to work to make it even better.

I’ve previously had a career in publishing both employed and as a self-employed freelance, and ran my own publishing company, so I know how managing money is Important and I can bring those business skills to bear as a town and district councillor. I’m no stranger to public administration and local government either, having covered the sector earlier in my career. I truly believe Bradley Stoke needs a better voice, and a fresh pair of eyes to provide scrutiny on the town and district council business.

Voting for Labour will bring a more caring approach to our community, and I promise to work hard to fulfil our pledges; improving housing, improving communities and local democracy, improving services for children and young people, and providing better health and social care.

Ben Randles (Conservative)

Ben Randles.

Note: This candidate is standing in both the district and town elections.

For over 9 years, I have had the pleasure of sitting on Bradley Stoke Town Council and serving you; our community. Being on the Council is something I enjoy a great deal, where I have a near perfect attendance record for the 9 years, I have represented you on the Parish. I now hope with your support, I can bring the same level of professionalism and dedication to representing the Bradley Stoke South Ward on South Gloucestershire Council too. I’ve used my current position to support countless community ideas and projects – a key principle I strive for is providing the right tools and support to enable others to be successful. I am determined to keep council tax as low as possible, as any money a council spends is yours, we must not spend above our means and always remember it is public money we spend. In my time on the parish, we have actively lobbied large organisations to improve and maintain the quality of life for all in Bradley Stoke, successfully punching above our weight on several occasions. If re-elected to parish and elected to South Gloucestershire Council, I want to continue in this line of public service which I find very rewarding, interesting and care about. In my free time, I enjoy some running and walking the dogs through the Three Brooks Local Nature Reserve, it keeps me active, and it is a great way to see what is happening around our town.

Swati Sinha (Conservative)

Swati Sinha.

I am Dr. Swati Sinha and I live in Bradley Stoke along with my husband and our two children. My husband is a doctor at the local NHS hospital. My children went to local schools and am thankful for the care, support, and friendships our children received in our local schools.

I am trained as a Dentist and currently work in a nearby dental practice. My work mainly involves NHS patients. Being a dentist, I always engage with a variety of patients, sometimes whose dental illness poses a risk to their life and I take every effort to make it better.

Bradley Stoke is one of the best places to live and work. I recall with gratitude all the civic leaders who contributed to the development of Bradley Stoke. We are grateful for what Bradley Stoke had achieved in terms of amenities, parks, and green spaces through the last 31 years, nevertheless, we need to work together to sustain those achievements as well as have to progress further.

I do enjoy getting involved in community work and will ensure that my effort will make the lives of all residents improved. My priority will be to stand up for our neighbourhood issues and find a solution in the best way possible. My plan along with our team will be to promote social harmony in Bradley Stoke, make sure we all get adequate medical care at the right time, enhance local amenities and facilities, ensure good bus services, help conserve our green spaces, beautify and keep Bradley Stoke in bloom, boost up youth provisions, reduce social isolation and loneliness amongst the elderly, preserve the road network in top condition and to keep car parking free.

Bradley Stoke A-Z directory of trades and services.

Willowbrook (3 seats)

Tom Aditya (Conservative)

Tom Aditya.

I am a passionate community campaigner. Thanks to the magnanimity and support of our residents, I have thrice been elected to the Council and twice served as Mayor. I am a member of the Avon and Somerset Police Scrutiny Panel and the Bristol University Court.

I have the honour of raising the largest number of public submissions before the Council and initiating various community projects. I have been active in tree planting, community litter-picking and social creativities. I work with people from all walks of life. Even political opponents have applauded my high attendance record and active participation at council meetings and community activities. Bradley Stoke is the major town with the lowest tax precept in South Glos. We have frozen tax precepts, whilst ensuring quality services. While I was Mayor, our Council won the Quality Gold Award. We supported financial help for various community projects and voluntary services through Council grants. We have been working closely with all our stakeholders to deliver the best services for our residents.

We accomplished much, yet there are many community projects that we started, still in the pipeline. Due to space constraints, I am unable to add more words here. For more information, please visit the Campaign page on my website. We need your support in order to keep Bradley Stoke thriving. I am standing for Willowbrook Ward in this election. Please vote for me and our team to sustain our town’s progress and accelerate a progressive change in Bradley Stoke. Thank you.

? Tom Aditya on social media: Facebook

Rajesh Joseph (Conservative)

Rajesh Joseph.

My name is Rajesh Joseph and I have been living in Bradley Stoke for almost two decades. I have had the opportunity to acquaint myself with the leadership of Conservative Party councillors and their service towards the progress of Bradley Stoke. From the recent implementation of zebra crossings on the Webbs Wood Road to the meticulous effort shown in securing space for a skatepark for the youth, whilst creating new green spaces, it is clear the focus of the Conservative Party is one that aligns with my vision for a cleaner, more cohesive and better Bradley Stoke.

Being a successful small-business entrepreneur, I speak with hundreds of people every day. I have a passion for providing service and doing my part in society and meeting the needs of people. I am passionate about inclusivity and equity. My main focus if I am elected as a local councillor, will be to help sustain our progress and to improve access to better amenities, to help deliver life skills and financial management sessions amongst the local youth group and to enhance the number of multi-cultural community groups in our area.

Our residents are important to me and I aim to achieve clear access to great nurseries, employment, care homes and local businesses for all of us. Let me appreciate Cllr Tom Aditya for being a motivation for me and other community members to stand to be councillor candidates and for his resilience and efforts to help transform Bradley Stoke into a cohesive and harmonious neighbourhood.

Dayley Lawrence (Labour)

Dayley Lawrence.

I was elected to Bradley Stoke at a by-election. I am passionate about Bradley Stoke and our local Community. I have lived here for 8 years and met many of you through my job as your local postman. Our Town is a vibrant and multi-cultural place to live, with a very active Community. I want to make it easier for local people to have their say, but at present many residents tell me they feel their views aren’t listened to by the Tory-dominated Town Council. I want to change this – our Council needs to be a true representation of our residents. Standing up for local groups and fighting on behalf of local people is very important to me. I regularly listen to your concerns and help local people to achieve their goals where possible. On May 4th you have an opportunity to change the makeup of our town council. To bring new councillors round the table. A fresh start for a fresh new team of councillors. Its time to say good bye to people who don’t have your best interest at heart.

Brian Mead (Labour)

Brian Mead.

Note: This candidate is standing in both the district and town elections.

I work locally as a civil servant and live in Stoke Gifford. I have lived in either North Bristol or South Gloucestershire all my life. I am Secretary of Bristol Speedway Supporters Club and have been involved in organising charity fundraising events for several years. I’m a committed trade unionist and a member of the Regional Political Committee of UNITE the Union. I am standing as a Labour & Co-operative candidate. If elected, I’m look forward to going around the parish finding out the views and concerns of the residents so I can represent them to the council.

Tripti Megeri (Conservative)

Tripti Megeri.

My name is Tripti Megeri and I am delighted to stand as a candidate in this year’s Bradley Stoke Town Council elections from Willowbrook Ward. I am thankful to Councillor Tom Aditya for initiating the ‘Stand to be a Councillor’ programme, a non-partisan endeavour under the auspices of Bradley Stoke Town Council to help and guide community members to become councillors.

Bradley Stoke is a great place to live and work. I enjoy getting involved in community work. I am a Post-Graduate in Human Resources Management and Law and received LLM from Swansea University. Currently, I work for the NHS.

As a community campaigner, I have been serving as the Secretary of the Bristol Multi Faith Forum and steered many community events. As part of the organisation, I have been able to promote multicultural music and art, help generate young artists and provide a platform for diverse communities to perform together. I provided administrative support to the Consular camp organised at the Bradley Stoke Jubilee Centre, earlier. I played a key role in organizing many community vaccination clinics to help prevent covid pandemic and organised several science workshops for young adults as part of British Science Week. I have also been an active part of a women’s community group, ‘Saheli’ that encourages women’s participation in community activities and improves social inclusion, confidence, and skills.

I am passionate about working for community development and aim to bring people to the mainstream of society. My priorities are standing up for local people, helping to improve local amenities and protecting the interest of the residents. If elected, I will continue to listen and act upon community concerns.

Bradley Stoke job vacancies.

Woodlands (4 seats)

David Addision (Labour)

David Addison.

Note: This candidate is standing in both the district and town elections.

I’ve lived in the area since 2004 and worked here since 1999. In 2012, I became chair of the Stoke Gifford Trust, a charity managing the North Road playing field in Stoke Gifford. Later in that year, I was co-opted onto the Parish Council. I’m currently finishing my second term as a Parish Councillor and would like the opportunity to use my experience to work for the people of Bradley Stoke on Bradley Stoke Town Council.

As a Parish councillor in Stoke Gifford, I’ve chaired the Finance committee and helped to provide high quality services maintaining the green spaces and community facilities in the parish,  while maintaining the precept at a reasonable level for local residents. I would endeavour to continue this approach if elected to Bradley Stoke Town Council.

Frederic Contenot (Conservative)

Frederic Contenot.

My name is Frederic Contenot and I am a Chartered engineer working in the aerospace industry, nearby. I have been living in Bradley Stoke for over 16 years and have been involved in charity activities. I recall with gratitude all my friends and councillors who encouraged me to stand as a councillor candidate. I am a STEM ambassador, believing in the importance of education to help and mould our future citizens. If I am elected, I will strongly support the development of apprenticeship schemes with our local industries. I will also assist to improve relations between Bradley Stoke and Champs sur Marne (Paris), our twinned town in France.

I am in favour of protecting the environment and will oppose the unsustainable expansion of buildings, which are detrimental to our green spaces. I want to improve road conditions and road markings. Regarding local bus services, my friend Cllr Tom Aditya has already been championing that cause and I will support better public transport connectivity for our town. I will always make sure to sustain the happiness and quietness of Bradley Stoke and will put efforts to enhance its harmony. I am standing as a Conservative candidate for the Bradley Stoke Town Council from Woodlands Ward. Please vote for me and our team. Thank You.

Terri Cullen (Conservative)

Terri Cullen.

Note: This candidate is standing in both the district and town elections.

Hello my name is Cllr Terri Cullen and I have lived in Bradley Stoke for 32 years and have been a passionate BSTC parish councillor for the last 5, following a successful career in industry.  I am an active member of every committee, Planning & Environment, Leisure & Youth and Finance and of course, the Full Council.  I volunteer at the AssistPlus drop-ins for Veterans at Jubilee Centre and Patchway One-Stop-Shop.  

I ran a successful campaign this year to improve the condition of defibrillators in Bradley Stoke and install a brand new defib at Brook Way Activity Centre. This is now on the national defib grid and proudly sitting waiting hopefully never to be used! McDonalds have also kindly agreed to my request to install a 24/7 defib shortly.  

I very much oppose the re-development of the Woodlands Golf Course for housing.  I am supportive of house building, including affordable housing, but in the right place, which I don’t feel the Golf Course is.  I believe we need to keep local leisure amenities for local people and a housing estate in that location would exacerbate existing issues with traffic and emissions.  I am also extremely concerned at the impact the loss of some bus services have had on vulnerable residents in Bradley Stoke and I am working hard on behalf of those residents to make their voices heard and do my best to secure an improved way forward.

Natalie Field (Labour)

Natalie Field.

I have lived in Bradley Stoke for 32 years and my three children have been bought up here going to local schools. It would be a privilege to serve you and the community in which I live.

I have seen Bradley Stoke grow and develop as a place. I care deeply about making Bradley Stoke an even better place to live with a real sense of identity and belonging.  I will do this by listening to you, the local people, and championing the things that matter to you the most.  I will do everything in my power to take positive action at local Town Council level and will respond promptly to residents queries and where appropriate sign-post them to the relevant services. I will regularly attend Town Council meetings and support community events/initiatives that bring the community together for all age groups and encourage diversity. Through engaging local people, I hear that keeping our public places/green space and streets pleasant places for people to be and taking care of our environment are particularly important.

I have worked in the NHS / local government for over 30 years including within South Gloucestershire Council for 5 years. I have also had several roles working in the voluntary sector. I have experience of community development, and of working with planning, environment, schools, early years as well as working in hospital and primary care.

I am committed to doing my best for Bradley Stoke through my values of inclusiveness, listening, collaboration, integrity and fairness.

Joji Kuriakose (Conservative)

Joji Kuriakose.

My name is Joji Kuriakose and I am a Town Council candidate for Woodlands Ward.

Bradley Stoke is a vibrant town and I am much glad to express my gratitude to this welcoming community. I am a mechanical engineer by training, working for the Royal Mail Sorting Centre in Filton for the last 19 years. My wife is a staff nurse, working in the local NHS Hospital. I am a hard-working person with huge compassion towards the community.

I have been an active office-bearer of the church and the community groups. I served as the President of the community association and successfully undertook various charitable programmes and cultural events. Educating and empowering the youth as well as bringing together people from different backgrounds and cultures to work together has been the focus during my tenure.

The community’s concerns and priorities are my concerns and priorities.  My aim is to sustain and develop our amenities and infrastructure, improve road safety, ensure good bus services in our local area, save our car parking free and preserve the road network in top condition.

I would like to thank Cllr Tom Aditya for his encouragement in helping me and other members of our local community to stand as councillor candidates, as well as his perseverance in working together with all political parties and voluntary groups for the interests of the community and improving our local amenities.

Franklin Owusu-Antwi (Conservative)

Franklin Owusu-Antwi.

Note: This candidate is standing in both the district and town elections.

I have been a Councillor since 2015 representing Bradley Stoke and Stoke Lodge and The Common and have served on many committees at both Town Council (Planning & Environment, Staffing Committee, Chair of Finance and Leisure and Amenities) and South Glos as Cabinet Member for Public Health and Equality of opportunity. I am currently the Deputy Mayor of Bradley Stoke and proud to have served for the civic year 2022-2023.

I have helped to deliver value for money services including lower council tax, road resurfacing, protecting our environment, home for local people and ensuring that council-owned car parks remain free to park. I have championed many local development initiatives during the Covid-19 pandemic, including picking and delivery of prescriptions and food to residents. I helped lead the response to the pandemic at a local level, ensuring Bradley Stoke was one of the first places to set up a vaccine delivery hub.

I have promoted positive equality of opportunity for all. I will continue to ensure that the Town has good bus service, keep road network in top condition and oppose the massive Woodlands development. A veteran of the British Army, I served in Afghanistan as a Combat Logistician in the British Army for 7 years. In 2018 I founded a Bradley Stoke based veteran company which supports veterans and families, ensuring that their views and concerns and that of residents are well represented at SGC. I am passionate to continue to promote both the Towns and District interest.

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