Planning Applications of Note

This page lists current or recent planning applications that are of major significance for Bradley Stoke.

Useful link: Search for a planning application (South Gloucestershire Council)

Bradley Stoke Way apartment buildings

Illustrative visualisation.
Illustrative visualisation: Frontage to Bradley Stoke Way, viewed from a point just north of the junction with The Worthys.

Erection of two buildings to form up to 57 apartments with access, landscaping and associated works.

Case number P23/01546/F (submitted 5th May 2023)

Read more: Planning application submitted for 57-unit apartment blocks on Bradley Stoke Way (The Journal)

Willow Brook Centre retail terrace extension

Elevation plan.
Proposed front elevation of the extended retail terrace.

Extension to retail terrace to form food store (Class E), alterations to existing car park, extension to service yard, landscaping, and other associated works.

Case number P22/03780/F (submitted 7th July 2022; approved 13th April 2023)

Read more: Willow Brook Centre submits plans for new foodstore in extended retail unit (The Journal)

Related new stories in the Journal

Bradley Stoke latest news.

Baileys Court play area redevelopment

3D visualisation of a play park.
The selected design for a redeveloped play area at Baileys Court Activity Centre.

Case number P21/05354/F (submitted 5th August 2021; approved 16th September 2021)

Removal of existing play equipment. Formation of playground equipment with safety surfacing and associated works.

Read more: Design selected for £105k play area redevelopment (The Journal)

Related planning applications

Case number P22/02221/NMA (submitted 13th April 2022; approved 28th April 2022)

Non-material amendment to permission P21/05354/F to alter the location of the tower within the play park.

Case number DOC21/00358 (submitted 11th November 2021; approved 16th November 2021)

Discharge of condition 3 (tree protection plan and arboricultural method statement) attached to planning permission P21/05354/F.

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Housing development at Hornbeam Close

Hornbeam Close planning application.
Hornbeam Close planning application: Aerial view.

Case number P21/02958/F (submitted 28th April 2021; approved 25th November 2021; S106 signed 29th June 2022)

Erection of 21 no. dwellings with associated landscaping and works.

Applicant: LiveWest

Read more: Plans submitted for new homes near Willow Brook (The Journal)

UPDATE (25th November 2021): SGC’s Development Management Committee today voted to grant permission for the development. View the archived webcast of the discussion. Read the minutes of the meeting (item 120 refers).

UPDATE (23rd November 2021): This planning application will be determined at a meeting of South Gloucestershire Council’s Development Management Committee on Thursday 25th November 2021. For details, see: Agenda and reports

UPDATE (5th November 2021): This planning application has been ‘called in’ and will now be determined by a committee of councillors, most likely on 25th November 2021.

Related planning applications

Case number P23/01375/RVC (submitted 13th April 2023)

Variation of conditions 12 (to amend the drainage plans) and 14 (to amend the approved plans) attached to permission P21/02958/F.

Related news stories in the Journal

Bradley Stoke A-Z directory of trades and services.

Development at the Willow Brook Centre

Photo of a typical of two-storey McDonald's restaurant with drive-through.
Example of a two-storey McDonald’s restaurant with drive-through.

Case number PT18/1491/O (submitted 26th Mar 2018; approved on appeal 16th January 2020)

Hybrid planning application seeking full planning permission for the erection of 2 no. food and drink units each incorporating a drive-through and outline planning permission to extend the existing retail terrace to provide 2 no. retail units (including mezzanine) and rearrangement of existing car park. (Outline) Access, layout and scale to determined all other matters reserved.

NEW: Construction is now under way. For the latest news on this project, visit our dedicated information page: McDonald’s and Starbucks at Willow Brook

UPDATE (April 2022): A ‘non-material amendment’ planning application (P22/02418/NMA | Non material amendment to permission PT18/1491/O to amend the South East elevation first floor glazing) was submitted on 25th April 2022. Approved on 8th June 2022.

PROJECT STATUS (January 2022): The Willow Brook Centre has announced that construction of the McDonald’s and Starbucks unit will start in February and take around 6 months to complete. Read more: Bradley Stoke McDonald’s could be open by August

PROJECT STATUS (January 2021): The Journal understands that implementation of the project is expected to start in the near future. However, this remains dependent on how the Covid-19 pandemic evolves.

UPDATE (September 2021): A ‘non-material amendment’ planning application (P21/06080/NMA | Non material amendment to permission PT18/1491/O to alter the building elevations) was submitted on 10th September 2021. Approved on 14th October 2021

UPDATE (August 2020): Discharge of conditions applications:

  • DOC20/00178 | Discharge of condition 20 (arboricultural method statement)
  • DOC20/00169 | Discharge of conditions 3 (CEMP:Biodiversity), 4 (Habitat Management Plan), 5 (Lighting), 15 (Construction Environmental Traffic Management Plan), 16 (SUDS) and 17 (Ventilation)

UPDATE (18th April 2020): A further planning application for advertising signage (P20/04849/ADV | Display of 1 no. internally illuminated free-standing digital screen) has been submitted by McDonald’s Restaurants Ltd. Note: This application was subsequently approved on 22nd May 2020.

UPDATE (26th February 2020): Two planning applications for advertising signage (P19/09453/ADV and P19/09456/ADV) have been recommended for approval by council officers. However, they have been ‘called in’ by local ward councillor Roger Avenin for consideration at a meeting of SGC’s Development Management Committee on 5th March 2020.

UPDATE (16th January 2020): Appeal allowed; permission granted.

UPDATE (28th October 2019): The appeal inspector made a visit to the site on 17th September 2019 and in now considering all the evidence submitted. A decision is expected to be made “in the coming weeks”.

UPDATE (23rd August): Despite permission for the development having been refused (now subject to appeal), McDonald’s Restaurants Ltd has submitted two planning applications for advertising signage at “McDonald’s, Willow Brook Centre”. The applications numbers are P19/09453/ADV and P19/09456/ADV.

UPDATE (1st July 2019): The applicant (The Brookmaker Limited Partnership) has lodged an APPEAL against the decision to refuse permission.

The Planning Inspectorate case reference is APP/P0119/W/19/3232136.

The deadline for statements and interested party comments is 21st August 2019.

UPDATE (19th March 2019): SGC’s Spatial Planning Committee has voted to REFUSE permission for proposed development at the Willow Brook Centre in Bradley Stoke. The applicant has the right to appeal within six months.

UPDATE (11th March 2019): The planning application has appeared on the agenda for the meeting of SGC’s Spatial Planning Committee on Tuesday 19th March 2019.

UPDATE (21st February 2019): SGC’s Development Management Committee has voted to REFUSE planning permission. The application will now go to a higher-level committee (Spatial Planning) for “re-evaluation”.

UPDATE (13th February 2019): The planning application has appeared on the agenda for the meeting of SGC’s Development Management Committee on Thursday 21st February 2019.

Update (8th February 2019): Members of SGC’s Development Management Committee inspected the site today.

UPDATE (24th January 2019): SGC’s Development Management Committee has voted to DEFER a decision on the planning application, to allow councillors on the committee to hold a site inspection visit in two weeks’ time. See meeting notes and reader comments on the BSJ Facebook page.

UPDATE (15th January 2019): An SGC spokesperson told the Journal: “The application is due to be heard at the 24th January 2019 Development Management Committee. No site visit is planned prior to the meeting.”

In a press release issued in late February 2018 , the Willow Brook Centre said it was in “advanced discussions” with both McDonald’s and Starbucks to trade in the proposed food and drink units.

Related news stories in the Journal

View all website stories on this topic: PT18/1491/O

See also: Discussion on the BSJ Facebook page (21/02/18)

Bradley Stoke job vacancies.

Removal of hard court area at Brook Way Activity Centre

Case number PT18/0207/F (submitted 15th Jan 2018)

Removal of existing hard court, installation of additional car parking bays and associated works.

Removal of hard court area at Brook Way Activity Centre

Case number PT17/1549/F (submitted 4th Apr 2017)

Change of use from tennis court (Class D2) to car parking bays (Sui Generis) as defined in the Town and Country (Use Classes) Order 1987 (as amended) with green open space and associated works.

Withdrawn and later resubmitted as PT18/0207/F.

New Skate Park at Bradley Stoke Leisure Centre

Case number PT15/2646/F (submitted 17th Jun 2015)

Construction of a concrete skatepark with associated works.

Case number DOC15/0277 (submitted 17th Nov 2015)

Discharge of conditions attached to planning permission.

New Town Council Office at the Jubilee Centre

Case number PT11/2331/F (submitted 25th Jul 2011)

Erection of single storey extension to Community building to provide new offices, creation of new carparking and associated works.

Retirement Apartments at Savages Wood Road

Case number PT11/0803/F (submitted 16th Mar 2011)

More info: McCarthy & Stone public consultation website

Erection of four storey and three storey buildings to form 50 no. Category II type apartments for the elderly and 24 no. affordable housing apartments with associated communal facilities, landscaping, car parking and associated works.

Read more: McCarthy & Stone (The Journal)

The Journal – Bradley Stoke's most popular news publication.

Erection of twelve 50kW Wind Turbines near M4 M5 Interchange, Almondsbury

Case number: PT10/023/SCR

Initial ‘screening’ application. Site location plan [PDF].

Respite Care Centre, Wheatfield Drive

Case Number PT10/0302/F (submitted 12th Feb 2010)

Respite Care Facility including  amendments to planning permission PT09/1158/F (see below) to create access from Wheatfield Drive.

Consultation expiry date: 29th Mar 2010. Target date: 21st Apr 2010.

West of England Muliple Sclerosis Therapy Centre, Wheatfield Drive

Current case Number PT09/1158/F (submitted 19th Jun 2009)

Consultation expiry date: 30th Jul 2009. Target date: 14th Aug 2009.

Previous case Number PT01/2785/F (submitted 28th Sep 2001, approved 6th Jun 2007)

Erection of a new multiple sclerosis therapy treatment centre.

Intended to replace the existing therapy centre at Nailsea.

[Read more: The Moonstone Appeal]

Bradley Stoke latest news.

Bradley Stoke Community School

Case Number PT08/2006/R3F (submitted 3rd Jul 2008)

Erection of two storey building, cycle shelter, car parking and associated works [Proposed sixth form centre].

Consultation expiry date: 6th August 2008. Target date: 2nd October 2008.

Bradley Stoke Surgery, Brook Way

Case Number PT07/3333/F (submitted 25th Oct 2007)

Erection of single storey front extension and two storey rear extension to form additional surgery accommodation to include attic space.

Refused by South Gloucestershire Council on 24-Dec-2007 on grounds of inadequate parking provision and detrimental effect on streetscene. Appealed on 22-Feb-2008. Decision expected from Planning Inspectorate in May 2008.

UPDATE (03-Jul-2008): Appeal successful – application approved.

Bradley Stoke Surgery, Brook Way

Case Number PT08/1143/F (submitted 16th Apr 2008)

Erection of single storey front extension and two storey rear extension to form additional surgery accommodation to include attic space.

Consultation expiry date: 20th May 2008. Target date: 11th June 2008.

UPDATE (26-Jun-2008): Application approved in principle.


Butterflies Day Nursery, Great Park Road

Case number PT08/2566/F (submitted 10th Sep 2008)

Demolition of an existing building to facilitate erection of a 3 storey office building with associated car/cycle parking, outbuildings, access, landscaping and associated works.

See also: PT12/0637/EXT (consent to extend time limit)

Health Centre, Savages Wood Road

Case Number PT04/0815/R3O (submitted 20th Feb 2004, approved 19th Apr 2004)

Development of land for health centre.

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