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Brace of meetings to discuss Manor Farm anti-social behaviour problems

Safer and Stronger Community Group

Anti-social behaviour in the Manor Farm area of Bradley Stoke is on the agenda of two public meetings taking place in the next ten days.

The issue last came to the fore in 2008, when the opening of a pedestrian route from Manor Farm Crescent into the newly-built Willow Brook Centre brought a massive increase in nuisance behaviour.

A street meeting was held between police and local residents and a Neighbourhood Watch scheme was later formed.

Matters seemed to quieten down in 2009 but now things appear to have flared up again, with Mayor Ben Walker warning in a recent letter that “anti-social behaviour within the Manor Farm area of Bradley Stoke … is fast becoming a serious issue”.

Tuesday’s meeting of the Bradley Stoke Safer and Stronger Community Group [agenda], which takes place at the Jubilee Centre (6:30pm start), will be the first opportunity for residents to query the police and other agencies – when the agenda item “Anti Social Behaviour (Manor Farm)” comes up for discussion.

Anti-Social Behaviour Warning Notice

A second opportunity to discuss the issues comes on Tuesday 27th July when a public meeting to “discuss the current issues relating to anti-social behaviour within the Manor Farm area of Bradley Stoke” will be held, also at the Jubilee Centre (7:30pm start).

Organised by Cllr Walker, the meeting will be attended by representatives of the Willow Brook Centre, Tesco, Avon & Somerset Police, South Gloucestershire Council, Southern Brooks Community Partnership and Holdshare Property Management.

Cllr Walker says:

“My hope is that, from this meeting, attendees with the authority and remit to deal with the issues raised, can deliver solutions in conjunction with each other, with continued communication channels.”

This week’s Safer and Stronger meeting has an earlier than usual start to accommodate an exhibition on South Gloucestershire’s draft Core Strategy, the main planning document for guiding and managing new development and change in the district up to 2026.

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