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‘In Bloom’ volunteers plant 120 young trees

Photo of BSiB volunteers prepare to plant out saplings at Brook Way Activity Centre.

By Sara Messenger of the Bradley Stoke in Bloom group.

Photo of young trees planted by BSiB volunteers.

We don’t do what we do for the awards, the green Brownie points or even the free tea and biscuits, but because we believe this is our town and while we are here we want to do what we can to make her look her best. We don’t want to see graffiti or litter in the grass, we want to see artwork and daffodils poking their heads through. Which is why, even though it was definitely a thick sock kind of day, Saturday 18th January saw seven of us head out to plant over 120 trees.

Local resident Andrew North, who works for the company CGI, nominated us to the Carbon Footprint Company, who generously donated the trees to the group. They were a mix of rowan and bird cherry (both good for the birds) as well as crab apple, silver birch and pussy willow. Along with some other trees donated by the Woodland Trust, they have been used to:

  • Increase the new hedgeline around the former hard court area at Brook Way Community Centre;
  • Replace some lost rowan at the community orchard on the nature reserve (behind Bradley Stoke Community School); and
  • Create a very bird-friendly area around Trench Lane Roundabout.

So as well as a receiving a warm fuzzy feeling, we think we’ve also earned a few of those green Brownie points and maybe a chocolate biscuit or two!

How to contact Bradley Stoke in Bloom:

Photo showing bundles of tree saplings ready to be planted by BSiB volunteers.

Photos (from top): 1 BSiB volunteers prepare to plant out saplings at Brook Way Activity Centre. 2 Freshly planted hedgeline. 3 Some of the saplings donated through the Carbon Footprint Company.

This article originally appeared in the February 2020 issue of the Bradley Stoke Journal magazine (on page 35). The magazine is delivered FREE, nine times a year, to ALL 8,700 homes in Bradley Stoke. Phone 01454 300 400 to enquire about advertising or leaflet insertion.

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