Local building firm steps in to sponsor U12 girls

Photo of Bradley Stoke Youth FC U12 Girls with representatives from LNJ Construction.

The U12 girls at Bradley Stoke Youth FC are now dressed for success thanks to sponsorship from local building firm LNJ Construction Services Ltd.

Lewis Colling, director at LNJ, whose youngest step-daughter plays for the team, contacted manager/coach Lee Lawson when he heard the team were looking for a kit sponsor.

A conversation about the team and how LNJ could help led to the firm agreeing to sponsor 24 new full match kits, 1 full goalkeeper’s kit and a spare goalkeeper’s shirt.

Lee says he had been in the process of drafting out emails to local businesses prior to Lewis getting in touch and he is pleased that word of mouth brought a quick offer of support.

Once the order was delivered, the girls were presented with their new kit at a photoshoot alongside Lewis and his partners at LNJ, Colin Broomsgrove and John Iles.

Lee Lawson, BSYFC U12 manager/coach, said:

“The girls look fantastic in their new kit and are looking forward to the season. The coaches, girls and parents would like to extend their thanks to Lewis and LNJ for their generosity in sponsoring the team.”

“It’s excellent to see companies like this supporting the local community in which they do business.”

LNJ Construction boasts a combined 76 years of experience covering all building and construction works ranging from basic renovation to new builds.

The company can also supply windows, doors and conservatories, custom made sheds, bases and summer houses. Further details are available via the firm’s Facebook page or by phoning Lewis on 07872 590253.

BSYFC was established in 1998. It is an FA Charter Standard Community Club covering all age ranges from Reception age upwards. It also runs football sessions for children with disabilities.

Parents of any children wanting to give club football a try can find further details on the Bradley Stoke Youth FC website www.bsyfc.co.uk

The U12 girls train on Friday evenings on the grass pitches at Bradley Stoke Community School.

Photo: In the back row (l-r), Lewis Colling, John Iles and Colin Broomsgrove of sponsor LNJ Construction Services Ltd join the U12 girls after presenting them with their new match day kits. [View hi-res version: Facebook | Google | Flickr]

This article originally appeared in the October 2019 issue of the Bradley Stoke Journal magazine (on page 18). The magazine is delivered FREE, EVERY MONTH (except August), to ALL 8,700 homes in Bradley Stoke. Phone 01454 300 400 to enquire about advertising or leaflet insertion.

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