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More consultation on Pear Tree Road raised zebra crossing

Humped crossing warning sign

South Gloucestershire Council has started a second round of public consultation on its proposal to install a raised table road hump at a zebra crossing in Pear Tree Road, Bradley Stoke.

The exercise, which runs until Wednesday 23rd November, relates to the statutory notice that the Council is required to publish before constructing the road hump.

According to the notice, the proposed hump will extend over the full width of the carriageway and be 13 metres in length and 75 millimetres (maximum) in height.

Plans released as part of the consultation show that two new “humped crossing” warning signs will also be installed.

The proposals were put forward after a new Travel Plan for the nearby Holy Trinity Primary School identified an increase in the number of drivers failing to stop at the crossing.

The plans for the proposed work may be viewed at Bradley Stoke Library, during normal opening hours.

Subject to the comments received during the consultation, the proposals will be implemented during the current 2011-12 financial year, says the Council.

Pear Tree Road pedestrian crossing, Bradley Stoke

Photo (March 2011): Cllr Jon Williams with parents and children from Holy Trinity Primary School at the pedestrian crossing in Pear Tree Road, Bradley Stoke.

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  1. From the consultation page on the South Gloucestershire Council website:

    “The statutory period during which objections may be made to this proposal has now closed. There were no comments or objections received in respect of this proposal. The road humps will be installed in due course.”