MP welcomes announcement of £70m aerospace park at Filton

MPs Vince Cable and Jack Lopresti visit Airbus, Filton

Local MP Jack Lopresti has welcomed the announcement by Airbus of a £70m investment in a new office facility at Filton.

The new Airbus Aerospace Park will be a modern, highly efficient, engineering and technology campus, which it is hoped will help cement the region’s global reputation for aeronautics.

Writing in an article on his website, Mr Lopresti said:

“The last few days have been great news for Filton, the South West and the British economy, and I congratulate Airbus for their continued commitment to our local area. I am delighted that Airbus has made such a strong commitment to Filton. The new Airbus Aerospace Park will secure thousands of jobs locally and is a fitting recognition to the home of British aviation.”

Subject to planning permission being obtained, work on the 12-acre site could start in early 2012.

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  1. A friend works there and is part of the team doing the desk layouts in the new buildings. Whilst the investment is welcomed by the engineers who have had to put up with third rate portacabins for decades the interior description she used was “battery farming” conditions. And it looks like there aren’t enough car park spaces for all the employees either.