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Anorexia survivor set to stretch fundraising efforts to new limits

Photo of Sophie Mitchell with her prize day awards. Photo of fundraiser Sophie Mitchell, pictured following her charity head shave.

Sophie Mitchell, a young woman from Bradley Stoke who suffered from anorexia as a teenager and spent nearly six months in hospital because of the condition, updates us on her extraordinary programme of fundraising activities for Beat, one of the UK’s leading eating disorders charities.

After a successful couple of years fundraising, 2018 has been the best one yet. So far, I have held more bake sales, bag packing at Tesco, Spin/Boxing & HIIT class at Bradley Stoke Leisure centre, 15,000ft sky dive and a head shave. The latter, on 6th April at In Trim hairdressers (within Bradley Stoke Leisure Centre) was my ultimate favourite because it represented so much and reached out to a lot of people to the extent where it got picked up by ITV News on Good Morning Britain! I also was invited onto BBC Radio Bristol to talk in more detail about my story and continue to raise awareness for what is a life threatening mental illness.

Not only is hair loss a symptom of anorexia and one that I wanted to highlight, but also I wanted to show people that the way you look shouldn’t determine how successful you are in life. Our beauty within is what’s more important and if we put our minds to it, we can achieve anything without feeling insecure, worthless and burdened by the pressure of society’s expectations.

But it’s only going to get bigger and better, starting with my next event, a 160ft bungee jump at the Lloyds Amphitheatre in Bristol on 28th October. Bungee jumping teaches you to face your fears, live in the moment and take that leap of faith knowing that everything will work out in the end. That is the message that I want to get across to everything that I cross paths with, along with raising awareness for eating disorders and inspiring sufferers to believe that recovery is possible and so worth it.
I am super excited for this one and I hope to reach out to as many people as the head shave. I am welcoming anyone and everyone to come and watch me so please contact me via my Facebook page if you would like to do so.

My target this year has increased to £4,000 and I would love to reach it. However big or small your donation, it will be greatly appreciated.

Last year my story reached someone in America, so I want to see how far we can really go with it. Eating disorders affect everyone around the world and if I can inspire just one person, then that’s my job sorted.

Please like and share my Facebook page with friends and family. The next few months are going to be so exciting, you don’t want to miss anything! Along with keeping everyone updated with events, I produce motivational/inspirational content about eating disorder recovery, with the aim of encouraging sufferers to speak up, get help and fight for the life that they deserve.

Sophie Mitchell – Anorexia Survivor & Fundraiser for Beat on Facebook

To sponsor me, go to

Photos (l-r): 1 SGS College prize day in 2017. 2 Charity head shave on 6th April

This article originally appeared in the September 2018 issue of the Bradley Stoke Journal news magazine (on page 34). The magazine is delivered FREE, EVERY MONTH, to ALL 8,700 homes in Bradley Stoke. Phone 01454 300 400 to enquire about advertising or leaflet insertion.

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