Peak-time traffic congestion of a severity last seen during the notorious MetroBus roadworks of 2015/17 could return to Bradley Stoke for a few days in the coming week.
Wessex Water says it will be closing Woodlands Lane to through traffic for up to three days from Monday (19th February) in order to repair a defect in its network near the junction with The Park (opposite Woodlands Park).
The extent of the section closed to through traffic has not been specified but is likely to stretch from the junction with Grange Close to the entrance to Woodlands Park.
Wessex Water says temporary three-way traffic signals (operational 9am to 3pm) will be installed at the junction with The Park, so that access to this road can be maintained [for residents].
Asked if the road closure for through traffic would be effective 9am to 3pm only or full-time for the duration of the works, a Wessex Water spokesperson said via Twitter on Sunday:
“It will probably be for the duration, but unable to confirm today.”
Vehicles wishing to travel between Bradley Stoke Way and areas east of the road closure will be expected to divert via Pear Tree Road, as they did during the MetroBus roadworks when the junction of Woodlands Lane with Bradley was fully closed for 17 months and partially closed for a further 12 months. During this period, long queues developed along pear Tree Road at peak times.
Source: Information provided to the Journal by Wessex Water. Correct as of 4pm on Sunday 18th February. Contact them on 0345 600 4 600 with any queries.
First Bus says buses on its 73 route will divert via Bradley Stoke Way and Pear Tree Road in both directions. Stops on Pear Tree Road will be available for use upon request.
Photo: Road sign on Woodlands Lane (opposite Woodlands Park).
UPDATE at 2.30pm on Monday 19th February
Wessex Water says it hopes to reopen Woodlands Lane to through traffic in time for the afternoon peak today. It will remain open on Tuesday, but a further off-peak closure will be required on Wednesday to apply anti-skid surfacing.