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BSCS appoints headteacher for new primary phase

Sharon Clark, head of primary phase at Bradley Stoke Community School.

Bradley Stoke Community School (BSCS) has announced the appointment of a headteacher for its new primary phase, due to open for Reception age children in September.

Sharon Clark, currently deputy headteacher at The Tynings Primary School in Staple Hill, will formally take up her new role at BSCS at Easter. She has a background in early years education, having spent five years as early years leader in a previous school, and has experience of teaching and leadership across the primary age range.

The recruitment process for a Reception class teacher is expected to commence shortly.

With South Gloucestershire Council’s deadline for primary school applications looming (15th January), BSCS is offering two further opportunities for parents/carers to visit the school:

  • Tuesday 6th January at 6pm
  • Wednesday 7th January at 9.30am

There is no need to book for the evening visit, but anyone wishing to join the tour on Wednesday is asked to book a place by calling 01454 868840 or emailing

The new primary phase building at the Fiddlers Wood Lane site is beginning to take shape, with the steel framework having been recently erected (see photo below).

Contruction of the new primary phase building at Bradley Stoke Community School.

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  1. Firstly , congratulations to Ms Clark on her appointment.
    However, as a parent I am appalled that the council authorised a primary school at BSCS when the secondary school is so heavily over-subscribed. Bradley Stoke children are commuting to schools miles away as there is not enough local provision.
    Honestly, in allowing 30 pupils a year from 1 school a place in the secondary school they are discriminating against all the other local primary school pupils.


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