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Your chance to contribute to the August 2014 edition of the BSJ magazine

Bradley Stoke Journal magazine.

We’re looking for contributions to the August 2014 edition of the Bradley Stoke Journal magazine.

If you (or a group / organisation / business / school you are associated with) have something to say, please get in touch.

Of interest are: News articles, event reports, details of upcoming events (3rd Aug to 7th Sep), news in brief items, photos, etc.

Copy deadline is this coming Monday, 21st July.

If you would like to contribute to our letters page – perhaps you have something to say about things that have been in the news in Bradley Stoke since our July issue, e.g. Ronnie’s fruit & veg stall, the town council’s policy on mobile food traders, overflowing dog waste bins or the mysterious night-time burning smell – please get your letter to us by next Friday, 25th July.

Letters will not be considered for publication unless they are supplied with the author’s name, address and telephone number (more here).

To book advertising for our September 2014 edition, phone 01454 300 400 or email:

The Bradley Stoke Journal magazine is delivered to all 8,650 homes in Bradley Stoke and a further 800 homes in Little Stoke and Stoke Gifford. Total print run: 10,000 copies.

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