With the next Bradley Stoke in Bloom (BSiB) workday coming up this Saturday (18th January), Sara Messenger gives us an update on the group’s recent activities.
The BSiB group has installed the last two bespoke planters at the ‘Welcome to Bradley Stoke’ signs, at Trench Lane and the junction of Gipsy Patch Lane and Winterbourne Road. Bradley Stoke’s Julian Smith has made all the planters from recycled wood, which has given them their unique appearance.
Following the November open meeting, BSiB has already started looking into the suggestions made, including restoring the pond in Snowberry Close and planting a community orchard. We think the sloped grassy area by Paddocks Close playground may be a good site for this.
Our next workday starts at 10am on Saturday 18th January when we will be finishing our work on the garden behind the Doctors’ Surgery on Brook Way. Ambience Landscapes Ltd have generously offered us free bark for this project and they have also given us 1,000 daffodil bulbs, which should considerably brighten up the town!
BSiB workdays are held on the third Saturday of each month, starting at 10am and finishing at 4pm, with a break for lunch. Obviously, if you need to leave earlier that’s OK, we’re still glad to have you. Please wear suitable clothes/shoes and bring a packed lunch, although we will the provide tea/coffee and biscuits!
Thank you to Mary Donlin and Margaret Messenger who have donated tools to BSiB. If you have any tools to donate, wish to offer your support or to give us your views and ideas please get in touch. In addition to our email, bsib@hotmail.co.uk, BSiB now has a phone number: 07582 634107 – thanks to the generosity of a local business.
We also have a Facebook page: Bradley Stoke in Bloom.