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Conservation group to stage Three Brooks dawn chorus walk

International Dawn Chorus Day.

On Sunday 5th May, the Three Brooks Nature Conservation Group will be hosting a Dawn Chorus walk around the Three Brooks Local Nature Reserve as part of International Dawn Chorus Day 2013.

Bird lovers from Colorado to Flakkebjerg will be joining in this year’s event, rising early to hear birds greet the sunrise and appreciate how much wild birds contribute to our lives.

International Dawn Chorus Day 2013 will be the biggest and most interactive ever, with participants worldwide using the hashtag #idcd on Twitter to share their experiences of the event and upload images of the array of birds in chorus.

The Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country organises the annual event, which, founded by environmentalist Chris Baines in the 1980s, has grown from a small gathering in Birmingham to an international celebration of nature’s daily miracle.

WHERE: Three Brooks Local Nature Reserve, Bradley Stoke

MEET AT: Bradley Stoke Leisure Centre

TIME: 5.50am meet-up, will finish around 8.30am

WEAR: Suitable warm/weatherproof clothing and stout boots

BRING: Binoculars, drink and a snack if needed

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One comment

  1. Thanks to the Journal for posting this up. We had 12 people, plus our expert ornithologist, out at 6 am this morning (well done everyone especially the 6-year-old who had more energy than anyone else) to listen to our local birds. Highlights included wren and blackcap in Savage’s Wood, whitethroat, bullfinch and greenfinch in the hedgerows by the school fence (greenfinch numbers are really picking up this year) and willow warbler and reed warbler by the lake.

    For those who have followed the fate of our local pair of swans, I’m pleased to report that after a bit of indecision about where to nest, they are safely on the island this year following our efforts to put nesting material there and we hope to see cygnets soon. Please could I ask dog walkers to prevent their dogs jumping into the lake while the swans are nesting; not only might they disturb the swans, but if the swans feel threatened they may become aggressive and could seriously injure a dog.

    Hope you are all enjoying the spring weather out on the reserve!

    Emma Creasey (Secretary, Three Brooks Nature Conservation Group)

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