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Champs-sur-Marne students visit Community School

Students from Champs-sur-Marne visit BSCS.

A party of students from Bradley Stoke’s twin town of Champs-sur-Marne (France) visited Bradley Stoke Community School (BSCS) for a day earlier this month.

The students were welcomed by members of the Bradley Stoke Twinning Association before going on to take part in a day of activities at the school, the Leisure Centre and the Willow Brook Centre.

In the afternoon, students from the visiting and host schools joined together for a music concert.

Priscilla Hellyer, teacher at the Lycée Descartes in Champs-sur-Marne, said:

“The students had an amazing experience in Bradley Stoke: they were impressed by the school and all its high-tech equipment, they were surprised to notice all the different subjects their counterparts study in Bradley Stoke (cooking, arts, object design…). They really enjoyed meeting them and working with them to help them prepare their French exam which will take place next Monday.”

“The concert given by students of both schools was also an event they will always remember. Then our students went to the commercial centre [Willow Brook Centre] and leisure centre to run an opinion poll: the people from Bradley Stoke proved to be very friendly and eager to answer their questions.”

“So that day was a success in many ways, and we wanted to thank again the teachers and staff from the Bradley Stoke Community School who did an amazing job to prepare our visit, as well as Tom Aditya and Chris Lee who welcomed us.”

Students' concert during the twinning visit.

The Twinning Association is due to welcome more guests from Champs-sur-Marne over the Bradley Stoke Community Festival weekend (1st-3rd June).

A welcoming Cheese & Wine Party will be held at BSCS on the Friday evening.

Saturday’s itinerary includes visits to the Georgian House and Cabot Tower in Bristol before returning to Bradley Stoke for the Community Fair. The day will then be rounded off with a skittles evening at Almondsbury Social Club.

Sunday will some of the visitors taking part in the Bradley Stoke 10k Run, after which a farewell lunch will be held at Baileys Court Inn.

More photos on Google Photos: album; slideshow

Related link: Bradley Stoke Twinning Association (The Journal)

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