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Ofsted inspectors confirm Baileys Court Primary is a ‘good’ school

Photo of a red sign outside the entrance to a school.
Baileys Court Primary School, Bradley Stoke, Bristol. (Archive image from 2018).

Ofsted has confirmed Baileys Court Primary’s standing as a ‘good’ school, following a visit by inspectors in February.

As a Section 8 ‘ungraded’ inspection, the recent assessment sought only to confirm the school’s existing ‘good’ rating, awarded at the last ‘full’ inspection back in March 2013.

In his report, lead inspector Ben Jordan describes Baileys Court as a “warm and welcoming school” which “celebrates the variety of cultures and languages in its community at every opportunity”.


He notes that the school has “high expectations for pupils’ behaviour”, and on this topic his report states:

“Pupils behave well. They are polite and well mannered. Children in the early years sustain their attention and respond enthusiastically to the routines that are in place.”

Pupils at the school “feel safe and say they are listened to”, which helps them to have confidence to share any worries or concerns they may have.

The report notes that pupils enjoy a range of clubs on offer to them such as drama, tag rugby, and skipping.


In a series of comments about “what the school does well”, the inspector highlights:

  • Having a well-designed curriculum which identifies the important knowledge and skills that pupils must learn
  • Making reading central to the school’s work, with teachers demonstrating expertise and providing additional support to pupils when necessary
  • Having a mathematics curriculum that is designed and sequenced well
  • Identifying the needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and adapting their learning accordingly
  • Working with parents and external agencies to promote the importance of regular attendance

The report notes that governors provide “effective support and challenge” to the school and that the arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

The sole area for improvement identified by the inspectors is a need for more effective assessment in newly introduced subject curriculums.


In a post on the school’s Facebook page, headteacher Andrew Lynham wrote:

“We are very proud of the fact that we have maintained our ‘Good’ status and that Ofsted recognise our many strengths, including the fact that we are a ‘warm and welcoming school’ and that our children are ‘polite and well mannered’.”

“Our successful Ofsted report is a reflection of the huge team effort that everyone connected to our school has put into helping to develop our children and ensure that they feel secure and happy. We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who strives so hard to make our school such a success.”

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