Bradley Stoke WI has continued to thrive and grow during 2022 and has welcomed several new members which has swelled our numbers to 40 and above the pre-Covid membership level, writes branch secretary Janet Hunt.
Our WI has recently been entertained by the Barn Ringers from Downend who played some beautiful tunes on the handbells. Some members volunteered to ‘have a go’, which was great fun.
In September Rhona Murdoch gave an inspiring and informative talk about the great work undertaken at The Brightwell, The West of England MS Therapy Centre, it was really good to hear more about this great charity that is located here in Bradley Stoke.
The WI is always keen to have a good variety of speakers to educate and entertain its members: in October Jean Burnett told us all about a Victorian lady’s intrepid travels in the Himalayas; and in November Stephanie Sidney from Made in Fishponds gave an interactive talk on the origins of soap during which we were able to smell and touch many samples of the source ingredients and finished products.
Our WI crafters are continuing to keep busy crafting and knitting, crocheting and sewing items in support of several local charities including hats and scarves for the the Queen Victoria Seamen’s Rest at Portbury and baby blankets for Project Linus.
Bradley Stoke WI is now looking forward to a fun and interesting 2023. Speakers planned include a talk by a retired detective, chair yoga and Wessex Water – so plenty of variety!
We are always pleased to welcome new members to the WI. We meet on the second Wednesday each month in the Oak Room at The Jubilee Centre, Savages Wood Road, Bradley Stoke. Our next full meeting is on Wednesday 11th January 2023. Meetings start at 2pm, so if you would like to join us do come along ten minutes before so you can meet ‘the team’ beforehand! If you would like more information you can contact our secretary, Janet Hunt on 07845 744351.
Related link: Bradley Stoke WI on Facebook