Students from a local dance school have finally managed to stage the annual show they had planned for 2020 after it was postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic.
The ‘All the World’s a Stage’ show by Sharon Phillips School of Dancing was originally scheduled to take place in April 2020. It was planned to include elements of the many styles of dance practised at the school, including tap, modern, ballet, contemporary and commercial. Around 200 students, ranging in age from 3 to 18 years, had been rehearsing for several months and had all their costumes ready when the first Covid-19 lockdown was announced last March.
With lockdown restrictions now being gradually eased, the school was finally able to stage its show at the end of May 2021, albeit in a modified format to comply with government guidelines.
Dance school owner Sharon Phillips explained:
“Our idea was to film the show. It was very different just having one group at a time and no parents in the audience, but we made it work.”
“We then streamed it to family and friends of the students in June. It has been a huge success and it was great to be able to show how talented our amazing dancers are, just in a slightly different way.”
“We always support a charity with our show and this year we chose Children’s Hospice South West, who do amazing work with families of children with life limiting conditions. Through the show, a raffle of hampers, zoom lessons and donations we have raised £4,335.”
“I am so thankful to everyone who donated as it has been hard for charities to maintain their funding during the pandemic, so it is great to be able to give such an amazing amount to a wonderful charity.”
The school runs classes at St Chad’s Church Hall in Patchway on Fridays and Saturdays. Further classes are held throughout the week, and on Saturdays, in Alveston.
For more information, call Sharon on 07989 652780, visit www.sharonphillipsdance.co.uk or search for ‘Sharon Phillips School of Dancing’ on Facebook.
• View a hi-res version of the above photo: Facebook; Google Photos
This article originally appeared in the July/August 2021 issue of the Bradley Stoke Journal magazine (on page 25). The magazine is delivered FREE, nine times a year, to ALL 8,700 homes in Bradley Stoke. Phone 01454 300 400 to enquire about advertising or leaflet insertion.