By Sara Messenger of the Bradley Stoke in Bloom group.
We were a little hesitant about running our annual Best Front Garden competition this year, but we knew we’d made the right decision when we had a record 18 entries. Although we now have two categories, large and small, we still use the original judging criteria: ‘well-kept frontage’, ‘quantity/quality of plants’, ‘outstanding character’ and ‘well-kept lawn, paths and driveway’.
Usually, we all trundle round together one evening to judge the gardens, then decamp to the pub to add up the scores and discuss what were our highlights, but this year, in consideration of the Covid-19 restrictions, we went separately in family groups and had to settle for a home-brewed cup of tea.
The range of gardens was amazing, from well-established ones to several very new ‘lockdown’ gardens, but whether new or old, big or small, the care and attention and the pride taken was very evident in them all. I could witter on, but I know you want to just skip ahead to the results so please find them in the panel alongside!
The large garden category has three joint second places, as there was just 2 percent between their scores. We also added a second ‘Facebook favourite’ as the top-polling gardens were both extremely popular.

The shield goes to the garden with the most points (Richard & Gill Love), but all first and second places receive an engraved glass trophy to keep and a £25 or £10 voucher generously donated by Almondsbury Garden Centre. Everyone also receives a framed certificate and an engraved medal.
A small prize-giving event was held at Almondsbury Garden Centre on 19th August, for just a few of the winners, at which town mayor Tony Griffiths ‘handed’ out the prizes.
Our thanks also must go to Timpson’s for their generosity, to Bradley Stoke Town Council for their continued financial support and to Almondsbury Garden Centre’s Richard Truscott for his ongoing support.
Tip: In the results lists below, click on the letter in square brackets, e.g. [A], to view an album of photos of that garden on the Bradley Stoke in Bloom Facebook page.

Prize winners: Large garden
- 1st: Richard & Gill Love [O]
- =2nd: John Burton [J]
- =2nd: Helen & Graham Egarr [H]
- =2nd: Paul & Judith Johnson [R]
Runners-up: Large garden (in alphabetical order)
- Alisa & Richard Aquilina [G]
- Anne & Harry Hughes [M]
- David & Jenny Neale [L]
- Krishnan Rambadhran [N]
- Liz Mathew [P]
- Malarvizhi Mookkandy & Ravishankar Yetrivel [Q]
- Sue Jones [I]
- Sue Callow [K]

Prize winners: Small garden
- 1st: Maureen Hopkins & Evelyn Coates [C]
- 2nd: Fred J Hillberg [B]
- 3rd: Jon & Karen Lane [F]
- 4th: Anna Waliczek [E]
Runners-up: Small garden (in alphabetical order)

Facebook favourites
More photos and images:
- Hi-res photos of the winners:
- BSJ magazine centre spread:
How to contact Bradley Stoke in Bloom:
- t: 07582 634107
- e: bsib@hotmail.co.uk
- w: bradleystokeinbloom.com
- Bradley Stoke in Bloom on Facebook