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Funds allocated for Brook Way and Orpheus Avenue resurfacing

Photo of resurfacing work on Bradley Stoke Way in May 2019.
Archive image: Resurfacing work on Bradley Stoke Way in May 2019.

Local councillors have welcomed the allocation of funds to resurface Orpheus Avenue (Little Stoke) and part of Brook Way (Bradley Stoke) during the current financial year.

The decision was reached at a meeting of South Gloucestershire Council’s Cabinet on 8th June as part of a swathe of budget adjustments being made in response to the Covid-19 crisis.

With doubts over whether external contractors would be able to complete some highway maintenance schemes already scheduled for 2020/21, executive members agreed to reallocate funding of more than £560,000 to the Orpheus Avenue / Brook Way scheme, with any residual amount going to the country lane programme.

The main issues affecting schemes involving external contractors were said to be the difficulty in arranging accommodation for a travelling workforce and the increased number of parked cars in residential streets as a result of employees working from home or being on furlough.

The scheme in the Stokes will be carried out by the council’s own Streetcare team and is expected to have fewer issues with parked cars.


Almost half a mile of road – and adjoining footpaths – are set to be resurfaced. The Journal understands that the scheme includes the section of Brook Way between Christ the King Church and Sherbourne’s Brake (Beehive) Roundabout, and the full length of Orpheus Avenue.

Conservative councillors Roger Avenin and John Ashe, who represent Bradley Stoke South, said:

“This is great news for our local communities. Brook Way and Orpheus Avenue are used by hundreds of residents each day and, as a result, are well worn so we are pleased to welcome the funding to restore the road and paths to a suitable standard.”

Conservative councillors Brian Allinson, Ernie Brown and Keith Cranney, who represent the Stoke Gifford ward, including Little Stoke, added:

“Collectively we want to thank the Cabinet for considering a scheme which we have all lobbied hard for. We will continue to push for more investment into infrastructure across Stoke Gifford and Little Stoke.”

Photo of Cllr Keith Cranney pointing out a damaged road surface.
Cllr Keith Cranney points out a damaged road surface.

More information: Agenda and reports for SGC Cabinet meeting on 8th June 2020

Editor’s note

South Gloucestershire Council had previously given an assurance that the same sections of road would be resurfaced ahead of the commencement of the eight-month full closure of Gipsy Patch Lane in March 2020. However, on further investigation, the scheme was found to require more work than first anticipated and could only be carried out by closing the roads.

The council got as far as publishing closure notices for the work to be done in early February 2020, but by mid-January increased traffic congestion caused by the improvement works at Great Stoke Roundabout had become a serious issue throughout Bradley Stoke and the Orpheus Avenue / Brook Way scheme was postponed “until the major schemes in the area are complete”.

This article originally appeared in the July/August 2020 issue of the Bradley Stoke Journal magazine (on page 35). The magazine is delivered FREE, nine times a year, to ALL 8,700 homes in Bradley Stoke. Phone 01454 300 400 to enquire about advertising or leaflet insertion

Update (3rd August 2020): Dates for resurfacing work announced

South Gloucestershire Council has announced that the major resurfacing work on Brook Way and Orpheus Avenue will take place from 13th August to 9th September 2020.

The work will start at 8am and remain in place until approximately 6pm [each day].

“For the duration of the works, the road[s] will be closed and all traffic will be diverted around the area whilst the closures are in place.”

Further details will be published on the Journal website prior to the start of the work.

Brook Way and Orpheus Avenue resurfacing plan (August 2020).
Map showing area to be resurfaced (shown as a darker shade of red).

Update (11th August 2020)

New article published: Brook Way and Orpheus Avenue daytime road closures start Thursday

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