The Bradley Stoke Journal website was retired at the end of 2024. It is being retained for the time being as a historical record. Looking for something specific? – Try using the Search function.
Photo of Terry James.

Community in shock as organiser of charity Christmas lights passes away

Hundreds of people from across the Stokes and further afield have expressed shock and sadness at the news that Terry James, joint host of the famous Watch Elm Close charity Christmas lights, has died. Together with partner Mike Checkley, Terry had helped raise thousands of pounds for charities, most recently St Peter’s Hospice, through collections made at their extravagant Christmas

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Elevations of proposed Starbucks and McDonald's restaurants.

Decision day (take three) for McDonald’s and Starbucks planning application

Councillors on South Gloucestershire Council’s (SGC’s) Spatial Planning Committee (SPC) will meet in Bradley Stoke on Tuesday afternoon (19th March) to “re-evaluate” a controversial planning application for new development at the town’s Willow Brook shopping centre. The proposed scheme, which includes two new drive-through food units expected to be occupied by McDonald’s and Starbucks, had been recommended for approval by the council’s

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Photo of Khushi in the chamber of the Trusteeship Council.

Local schoolgirl speaks at United Nations

Bradley Stoke resident Khushi Ashwin has recently achieved her dream of speaking at a special conference on global sustainable development which was held at the United Nations in New York at the end of January. After working towards her dream for many months, fourteen-year-old Khushi, who attends Abbeywood Community School, was given the opportunity to speak at the conference about

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