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Three Brooks nature reserve receives £25,000 grant for accessibility improvements

Photo of volunteers from the conservation group planning and marking the route of the new woodland paths.

A project to improve access to the Three Brooks Local Nature Reserve in Bradley Stoke has been given a boost, thanks to a grant of £25,000 from Enovert Community Trust.

Three Brooks is a popular nature reserve covering 60 hectares of tranquil woodland and meadows and lies at the heart of the town of Bradley Stoke. Some of the woodland dates back over 400 years, with a rich mix of habitats that provide valuable food and shelter to a wide range of wildlife, including great crested newts and slow worms.

The project will see more than 500m of woodland paths upgraded at the northern end of the reserve in Savages Wood, to improve accessibility. An environmentally friendly, no-dig cell web system will be used for the paths to protect surrounding tree roots.

Robin Jones, chair of The Three Brooks Nature Conservation Group which is delivering the project, said:

“In recent years the popularity of the site has been causing issues, especially in winter when the main unsurfaced paths have become water logged and unusable.”

“The project to resurface the woodland footpath network will greatly improve accessibility for visitors, while helping to protect ground flora and tree roots from trampling. We hope the upgraded paths will enable more people to use the area, which will lead to a greater understanding and appreciation of the natural environment.”

Angela Haymonds, trust secretary at Enovert Community Trust, said:

“Three Brooks Nature Reserve provides the community of Bradley Stoke with vital access to the natural environment. As a popular public open space, accessibility is key to ensuring year-round access for local residents. The trustees are delighted to provide this grant towards the footpath improvement project, which will encourage greater use of the reserve.”

The Three Brooks Local Nature Reserve is situated in Bradley Stoke, not far from Enovert’s landfill site in Shortwood, South Gloucestershire. For more information on Enovert Community Trust, please contact Angela Haymonds on 01753 582513 or visit

For more information about the Three Brooks Nature Conservation Group, visit

Photo showing an arrow sprayed on the woodland floor marking the route of one the planned new paths.

Photos: 1 Volunteers from the conservation group plan the route of the new woodland paths. 2 An arrow sprayed on the woodland floor marking the route of one the planned new paths.

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