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Lots happening at 1st Bradley Stoke Scouts

Members of 1st Bradley Stoke Scout Group.

By Nick Nelson, chair, 1st Bradley Stoke Scout Group

Over the winter, we spend more time inside ‘the hut’ working with our young people on a variety of activities including badge work, cooking (always popular) and developing skills in knots and map reading (not so much!). That said, we do get our young people out for hikes as the dark makes everything feel that little bit more adventurous.

The Cubs have also been busy holding litter picks throughout the town over the last couple of weeks and our thanks to the Three Brooks Nature Conservation Group for the loan of their tools. We also recently held two fundraisers, a swimathon and a bingo evening, to raise funds for the Beavers’ visit to Legoland later this year. Thank you to everyone who supported us!

Moving now into spring, we begin to spend more time out and about, hopefully getting little – and not so little – legs tired.

We have a fantastic programme, but we do need to attract more adult volunteers to maintain it. We especially need support urgently for:

  • Beavers 6-8yrs (Fridays)
  • Cubs 8-10.5yrs (Mondays & Fridays)
  • Scouts 10.5-14yrs (Fridays)
  • Band instructors (Mondays; particularly trumpet/drum)
  • A quartermaster, to keep an eye on all our equipment

Discover how being part of the Scouting family can be as rewarding for you as it is for young people. Please email our group Scout leader for an informal chat about how you can join the team:

Lastly, we are very keen to attract even more girls to the Group. Amy, one of our Beaver leaders and a parent, explains more below.

Beavers, Cubs and Scouts: Girls – YOU can do it too!

Members of 1st Bradley Stoke Scout Group.

A few week ago, I was walking home with my children after International Founders’ Day was celebrated at their school. Those in Scouting groups were allowed to wear their uniforms from Beavers or Cubs to school that day.

“I want to be a Beaver Scout, Mum” I heard one little girl say as we walked behind. “Chloe’s brother is, and he said I can join too if I want to.”

“But that’s a group for boys, not girls, Darling”.

Beaver groups are for boys and girls aged 6 to 8 years old and are the first group you will encounter in Scouting. Each week they make, create, experiment, play games, explore and learn lots of new things along the way! It is a great chance for your children to gain some exciting new experiences. Around the time of their 8th birthday, Beavers ‘swim up’ to Cubs, to continue on their path through Scouting, eventually moving on to Scouts.

“But I want to go! He said girls can go too and they all cook donuts on the fire and go paddling in kayaks, visit the pet shop and loads of other stuff”!

Girls want the same opportunities as boys – to have fun, develop skills and face challenges. Free from those irrational beliefs about what girls “should” or “shouldn’t” do. And Scouting provides a safe, positive and motivating place to do exactly that.

“Oh, OK”, I heard her mum say. “I’ll try to find out.”

If you want to find out more about Scouting, or if you have a girl (or even boy) who might like to join, please visit

This article originally appeared in the April 2019 issue of the Bradley Stoke Journal magazine (on page 33). The magazine is delivered FREE, EVERY MONTH (except August), to ALL 8,700 homes in Bradley Stoke. Phone 01454 300 400 to enquire about advertising or leaflet insertion.

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