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School kicks off 20th anniversary celebrations

Photo of current headteacher Phil Winterburn and former heads Lois Haydon and Chris Dursley cutting an anniversary cake.

On Saturday 16th March, Bradley Stoke’s Wheatfield Primary School opened its doors to ex-pupils, families and members of staff for an open day to celebrate the school’s 20th anniversary.

Over 200 people attended the event and took the opportunity to explore the school and catch up with old friends and colleagues.

The hall was decorated with pictures from throughout the school’s history and videos of key events were played in classrooms.

The day was organised by Hazel Boyes, a teaching assistant who has been in post for 19 years.

It forms part of a series of events throughout the school year to mark the 20th anniversary.

The culmination of these events will be ‘Wheatfest’ on Saturday 13th July, which will be a day of activities, rides and performances to celebrate this important time for the school.

Photo of guests mingling in the hall.

Photo of the celebration cake.

Photo of a group of guests in a classroom.

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Photos (from top): 1 Current headteacher Phil Winterburn joins former heads Lois Haydon and Chris Dursley in cutting an anniversary cake. 2 Guests mingle in the hall. 3 The celebration cake. 4 Guests in one of the classrooms.

This article originally appeared in the April 2019 issue of the Bradley Stoke Journal magazine (on page 16). The magazine is delivered FREE, EVERY MONTH (except August), to ALL 8,700 homes in Bradley Stoke. Phone 01454 300 400 to enquire about advertising or leaflet insertion.

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