Photo of Cllr Andy Ward presenting a charity cheque to Matt Eager, fundraiser and rider for Freewheelers EVS.

Mayor presents end-of-term charity cheques

The annual general meeting of Bradley Stoke Town Council on 9th May saw outgoing mayor Andy Ward present cheques to his two chosen ‘charities of the year’. In accordance with the mayor’s wishes declared at the start of his term in office, Freewheelers Emergency Voluntary Service (commonly known as ‘Blood Bikes’) and Cardiomyopathy UK were awarded equal shares of the

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Photo of three young BMX riders at the 2017 skate park competition.

Festival skate park and street art events

Local young people and Bradley Stoke Town Council (BSTC) youth workers are again planning and organising two days of exciting activity, competitions, demonstrations and have-a-go sessions at both the main Community Festival site (on Saturday 9th June) and at the skate park, alongside Bradley Stoke Leisure Centre (on Sunday 10th June). Saturday 9th June The Jubilee Green side of Saturday’s

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Photo of Great Stoke Roundabout (a.k.a Rabbit Roundabout).

SGC gears up to improve Rabbit Roundabout

With the jury still out on whether South Gloucestershire Council’s (SGC’s) recent £4.2m scheme to improve the Aztec West Roundabout and A38 has actually made matters worse, the council is already at the early planning stage of its next major roundabout improvement scheme, this time at the other end of Bradley Stoke Way. The new scheme is intended to increase

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