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MetroBus installs last pieces of jigsaw prior to 6th January launch

Photo of the upper section of the MetroBus iPoint at the Willow Brook southbound stop.

The last remaining pieces of infrastructure for Bradley Stoke’s long-awaited M1 MetroBus service finally started to appear at stops along the route in mid-November, ahead of its planned launch on Sunday 6th January 2019.

As we went to press, three of the new iPoints (combined information display and ticket machines) had been installed – at the Patchway Brook and Willow Brook Centre southbound stops and the Great Meadow northbound stop, leaving five still to be fitted (or seven if you include the Aztec West stops on the A38). The missing shelter at the Great Meadow northbound stop was also in the process of being installed.

In late November, MetroBus invited applications from community groups, schools and organisations who wished to be featured on the rear inside panel of each of the 21 biogas vehicles serving the route. There was also a call out for local talent to perform on buses and at stops on the launch day, when travel on the M1 route will be free all day.

Bristol Community Transport, which will run the M1 service under contract to First, has invested in a fleet of new buses running on biogas generated from food waste, farm waste or sewage – creating up to 60 new driver and support positions at its Bedminster depot. A spokesperson commented that this represents the first major investment in biogas buses in the area and puts the West of England at the forefront of low emission bus operations powered by alternative sources.

Photo of the MetroBus iPoint at the Patchway Brook southbound stop.

MetroBus is a ‘buy before you board’ service. Tickets may be purchased on the First mTicket smartphone app or using a Travelwest smartcard (now known as Travelcard). Paper tickets may be purchased from iPoints using a credit or debit card (but not cash). Existing First paper tickets bought at Paypoint shops are also accepted on MetroBus, as are concessionary passes.

MetroBus tickets can be used equally on the First West of England network in Bristol and, vice versa, tickets bought on First services (including mTickets) can be used on MetroBus routes.

Following the introduction of a flat fare across the whole of First’s Bristol zone, any single journey on any section of the M1 route will cost £2, when purchasing a ticket from an iPoint or using a Travelcard. Packs of five tickets at £2 each are available on the mTicket phone app. Single tickets on the mTicket phone app cost £2.07. A day ticket – valid on MetroBus and First local bus services is £4.

Travelcards may be ordered online at or collected from the First Bristol travel shop. If you purchase a multi-journey or multi-day ticket at an iPoint, it will be provided on a Travelcard which can then be registered on the website.

More information and related links:

CCTV at MetroBus stops

South Gloucestershire Council’s Community Safety Team has confirmed that CCTV cameras are being installed at MetroBus stops in Bradley Stoke, to ensure the safety and security of passengers using the facilities.

A statement on the council’s website reads:

“Good quality evidence collection protects the safety of our communities, and supports our overarching aim to keep South Gloucestershire a great place to live and work.”

“The use of at-stop CCTV was included in the original consultation undertaken as part of the MetroBus project, and assessments undertaken in the planning stages highlighted the positive benefits such security features provide for all users, especially those from vulnerable groups.”

“The privacy of residents living nearby has been considered as part of this work. As a result, we will be configuring these cameras to ensure that the surrounding residential addresses are not captured by the scope of the cameras.”

This article originally appeared in the December 2018 issue of the Bradley Stoke Journal magazine (on page 17). The magazine is delivered FREE, EVERY MONTH (except August), to ALL 8,700 homes in Bradley Stoke. Phone 01454 300 400 to enquire about advertising or leaflet insertion.

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