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MetroBus iPoints now due in November

Photo showing further installation work taking place at the southbound 'Willow Brook Centre' MetroBus stop on Bradley Stoke Way.

The M1 MetroBus service through Bradley Stoke is due to begin operating in January 2019, but there seems to be little urgency in completing the remaining preparations, which include the installation of 38 iPoints (information and ticket machines) and a missing shelter at the Great Meadow Roundabout northbound stop.

Many of the new MetroBus stops have barriered-off excavations, believed to be for the iPoint bases, with no activity having been seen at the sites for over three months.

Back in June, we were told that the iPoint installation teams had been reassigned to complete work on the M3 and M2 routes. With these two routes now operational, we asked for a further update. A spokesperson told us:

“Installation of the remaining 38 iPoints for the M1 route will be taking place in the lead up to the start of service in January, with the iPoints in the North Fringe due between 19th and 27th November. These dates may vary according to traffic management requirements.”

The spokesperson added:

“Remember, MetroBus is a buy before you board service for faster journeys. Full details of how to buy tickets, the M1 timetable and routes will be widely available in the lead up to the start of the M1 service – keep an eye on for details.

The M1 route will be operated by Bristol Community Transport, under contract to First Bus.

Photo: Archive image from May 2018 of further installation work taking place at the southbound ‘Willow Brook Centre’ MetroBus stop on Bradley Stoke Way.

This article originally appeared in the October 2018 issue of the Bradley Stoke Journal magazine (on page 3). The magazine is delivered FREE, EVERY MONTH (except August), to ALL 8,700 homes in Bradley Stoke. Phone 01454 300 400 to enquire about advertising or leaflet insertion.

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