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Festive farewell for Little Acorns staff

Photo of Noleen Clarke (3rd from left) and Natalie Robbins and some of the children.

Little Acorns Pre-School, based at the Jubilee Centre in Bradley Stoke, said a sad farewell to two long-serving senior members of staff at a special function held on Friday 8th December.

Natalie Robbins, manager, and Noleen Clarke, deputy manager, who have both worked at the setting for 15 years, were given a festive send-off as children staged a Christmas production in their honour.

Speaking of her time at Little Acorns, Natalie commented how lovely it had been to build relationships with local families and, in many cases, care for a succession of siblings coming through the pre-school. Some of the children from her early days have since returned on work experience placements, which she said was particularly moving. She added:

“I’m going to miss everyone at Little Acorns and I would like to wish them all good luck. It’s been an honour being such a big part of the children’s lives and I hope to still see them around in Bradley Stoke.”

Noleen said she would miss working with the pre-school owners, the “brilliant” staff and all the children. She added:

“I can’t believe it’s been 15 years. It’s been very rewarding watching the different generations come through. Every day is different, which makes it such a rewarding experience.”

“Bradley Stoke has become a much more diverse community in recent years and it has been fascinating to learn about the different cultures and languages of our families, who have been so supportive.”

Helen Taylor and Tina Corney, directors of the owning company LA Childcare, said:

“We would like to thank both of them for their commitment and dedication over the past 15 years.“

“Both Natalie and Noleen will be missed by all the staff and parents and we wish them both every happiness as they enter new job roles outside of the early years sector.”

“We are very happy to welcome Faye Ward who will take over the manager’s role and Donna Worth the deputy role. Both are highly experienced and are looking forward to the exciting term ahead in January.”

• Little Acorns Pre-School has an open afternoon on Tuesday 16th January 2018 between 1pm and 2pm. If you are unable to make this date, please phone 07837 707331 to arrange an alternative time.

Photo: Noleen Clarke (3rd from left) and Natalie Robbins say their goodbyes to some of the children at Little Acorns.

This article originally appeared in the January 2018 issue of the Bradley Stoke Journal news magazine (on pages 34 & 35). The magazine is delivered FREE, EVERY MONTH, to 9,500 homes in Bradley Stoke, Little Stoke and Stoke Lodge. Phone 01454 300 400 to enquire about advertising or leaflet insertion.

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