Sponsorship brings new kit for BSYFC girls

The girls’ teams at Bradley Stoke Youth FC (BSYFC) have smart new training kits, thanks to a £400 donation from national engineering company AV Birch Limited. The sponsorship was arranged through Lewis, guardian of one of the BSYFC girl players, who contacted club coach Lee Lawson, suggesting the company he was working with could potentially donate funds to the team.

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Artist's impression of a MetroBus stop with iPoint.

MetroBus operator announcement delayed (again)

The announcement about which company (or companies) will be operating services on Bristol’s new MetroBus network has been delayed once again, this time until after the general election on 8th June, the Journal can reveal. Last summer, a West of England Partnership spokesperson said that negotiations with potential operators were expected to conclude by mid-September (2016), but it was later

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Photo of Bradley Stoke in Bloom volunteers on Sherbournes Brake Roundabout.

Bradley Stoke in Bloom April update

An update from Sara Messenger of the Bradley Stoke in Bloom group. Twinned roundabout Winter may have been a quiet time for our ‘in bloom’ group, but it seems that spring is not! Spurred on by the Twinning Association visit by a party from Champs-sur-Marne, we bought forward our April workday so that we could include the group in our

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Photo of MetroBus construction work near Great Stoke Roundabout.

MetroBus construction: April progress report

By Jim Aitken, community liaison officer at Alun Griffiths Ltd. Bradley Stoke Way (BSW) Continuing the finishing works for this area, areas of anti-skid surface at the junction of Orchard Gate, Woodlands Lane and Patchway Brook Roundabout will be undertaken outside of peak hours (after 7pm) during May, due to the limited space available and potential traffic impact. Now the

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Photo of pupils and headteacher at Wheatfield Primary School.

Ofsted report sees Wheatfield step up a grade

Wheatfield Primary School is celebrating the success of a recent Ofsted inspection which categorises the school as ‘good’ across all measures. Under the leadership of acting headteacher Lois Haydon, who took over the reins following the retirement of long-serving head Christine Dursley in December 2016, the hard work of the staff, pupils, parents and governors has been recognised. The inspectors

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Photo of police inspector, residents and MP.

MP discusses Bradley Stoke burglaries with police inspector and residents

Local MP Jack Lopresti has met residents and Avon and Somerset Police Inspector Clive Summerill to discuss the high number of burglaries that have taken place in Bradley Stoke and surrounding areas in recent months. The meeting was arranged after concern had been expressed that families who may own gold jewellery are being specifically targeted by organised gangs. According to

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Photo of some of the winners of the 2017 Chair’s Community Awards.

South Gloucestershire honours unsung heroes

Volunteers from Bradley Stoke, Stoke Gifford and Filton among those honoured at annual awards ceremony. Nearly thirty unsung heroes and their families attended the Chair’s Community Awards at South Gloucestershire and Stroud (SGS) College’s WISE Campus on Thursday 16th March. The annual awards recognise and celebrate the valuable contribution local unpaid volunteers make to life in South Gloucestershire. These people

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