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MetroBus construction report (August 2017)

Photo of new bus lane near Great Stoke Roundabout.

By Jim Aitken, community liaison officer at Alun Griffiths Ltd.

All Alun Griffiths works at Aztec West, Bradley Stoke Way north of Patchway Brook Roundabout (near Aldi) and around Webbs Wood Roundabout are complete.

South Gloucestershire Council continues to work in the vicinity of Aztec West on the separate (i.e. non-MetroBus) A38 southbound widening and roundabout improvement scheme.

South of Patchway Brook

Traffic management has now been removed, with the exception of one final section near Primrose Bridge, which has been left in place so that a pollution control chamber can be installed. Trial trenching has now completed to determine the service(s) that will need to be worked around, if possible. Subject to design changes and approvals, this will take us up to the end of September.

Great Stoke Roundabout

At the southern end of Bradley Stoke Way, on the approach to Great Stoke Roundabout (a.k.a. Rabbit Roundabout), the new bus lane area is now complete up to binder course. Only the final surface course of tarmac remains to be done, followed by lining.

During early September, traffic will be switched to the new bus lane to enable works on the northbound side, including new kerbs lines, drainage and footway works. Local pedestrian footway diversions around The Worthys will be installed to facilitate this.

All work in this area, including surfacing, is to be completed by early October.

The overall duration of works has extended due to drainage design changes. We have strived to keep the traffic flowing by keeping open narrow lanes, as opposed to other traffic management measures which could have restricted traffic movement. Consequently, we have received no complaints of traffic congestion in this area whilst we have completed the extended work on the verge.

Stoke Gifford By-Pass

The carriageway is now 100 percent surfaced and footways 70 percent complete throughout the scheme. Final signage, landscaping, fencing and finishing works are now ongoing for the next six weeks, with a target completion for early October, further landscaping will then be undertaken due to seasonal restrictions for planting.

The bridge being constructed over the Ham Brook is the responsibility of another contractor and is ‘off limits’ to the Alun Griffiths team.

Photo of new westbound bus lane on Bradley Stoke Way.

Photos: 1 New bus lane on the southbound approach of Bradley Stoke Way to Great Stoke Roundabout. 2 New westbound bus lane on Bradley Stoke Way, between Patchway Brook Roundabout and the Woodlands Lane junction.

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This article originally appeared in the September 2017 issue of the Bradley Stoke Journal news magazine (on page 10). The magazine is delivered FREE, EVERY MONTH, to 9,500 homes in Bradley Stoke, Little Stoke and Stoke Lodge. Phone 01454 300 400 to enquire about advertising or leaflet insertion.

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One comment

  1. Having read the above report I fail to see that all works have been finished. Is the landscaping that was promised, remotely like the mess we have been left with? The contractors took so long to tackle the work on Bradley Stoke Way that sections of the bank have been left to their own devices and are now just piles of weed. Surely landscaping involves removing weed and reseeding with grass or wild flowers? How are Bradley Stoke Town Council and South Glos Council allowing the contractors to avoid their obligations and leave the bank in such a shambolic state.

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