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MetroBus construction: June progress report

Photo of temporary traffic lights in operation between the Great Meadow and Great Stoke roundabouts.

By Jim Aitken, community liaison officer at Alun Griffiths Ltd.

Bradley Stoke Way (BSW)

The Alun Griffiths compound at Woodlands Lane has now been cleared. Work on swales and landscaping is ongoing.

A38 south of Aztec West

The new MetroBus stops are now 100 percent complete and all traffic management for our works have been removed, however South Gloucestershire Council is still working in and around the Aztec West area. [See: Aztec West Roundabout A38 Southbound Widening Scheme]

South of Patchway Brook

The bus lane will remain closed to allow for various ongoing traffic management switches so that landscaping and re-profiling works to the swales and verges can be completed, along with turfing and further tree/shrub planting.

An additional catch pit has to be installed on the drainage system near Primrose Bridge where we have tied into the exiting drainage system for pollution control measures.

The reprofiling is due to be completed during July. Once works are complete, all road cones will be removed. Landscaping works will be ongoing throughout.

Great Stoke Roundabout

Earthworks and road excavation are both 95 percent complete and drainage installation has commenced.

There is a large drainage excavation required along the footway between Great Meadow and Great Stoke roundabouts. Design changes have been necessary due to underground services and the area required for root protection of a certain species of tree. A 4-metre deep excavation is required adjacent to the carriageway and a redesign has now been provided. This is different from our original scope, so twenty-four-hour two-way temporary traffic lights are now required to cover the area of approximately 40 metres of road. This will not affect access to The Worthys.

Installation of the two-way lights was originally planned for 12th June but was delayed due to further design issues. Once we have commenced initial excavation, the works will take approximately two weeks to complete. Whenever possible, we will restrict the lights to off-peak times, as long as it is safe to do so.

Surfacing to the widening and footway works has progressed in other areas while the drainage issues have been resolved. We apologise for any inconvenience caused during this time.

Stoke Gifford By-Pass

Earthmoving has now commenced in this final location to bring the landscaped areas to the final design profile. Once complete, fencing and finishing to the footways, etc. will swiftly follow. The final surfacing of the carriageway will commence in late July into early August.

Works either side of the Ham Brook Bridge that are dependent on a third-party contractor (Dawnus Construction) not under the control of Griffiths have started later than planned due to late handover of the area. We have installed the drainage, kerbing and footways to this area and removed the surplus unsuitable material. The area has now been surfaced with the exception of the final surface course to be laid in late July and early August. Landscaping and fencing is continuing

Throughout the length of the new link road, we are removing excess spoil and distributing topsoil to landscaping areas, however these operations are weather dependant.

Surfacing works to the various islands on the A4174 Ring Road have taken place, although some anti-skid works remain within the coned-off areas.

Final surfacing to Oxleigh Way (Crest Nicholson / Highbrook Park) will take place at the end of July and early August.

Traffic signals installation at the junction of the Stoke Gifford By-Pass and the A4174 Ring Road will be undertaken by South Gloucestershire Council in August and September.

Photo of MetroBus roadworks on Bradley Stoke Way, near Primrose Bridge.

Photos: 1 Temporary traffic lights in operation on Bradley Stoke Way between the Great Meadow and Great Stoke roundabouts. 2 Bradley Stoke Way, near Primrose Bridge.

This article originally appeared in the July/August 2017 issue of the Bradley Stoke Journal news magazine (on pages 14 & 15). The magazine is delivered FREE, EVERY MONTH, to 9,500 homes in Bradley Stoke, Little Stoke and Stoke Lodge. Phone 01454 300 400 to enquire about advertising or leaflet insertion.

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