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Police warning after four burglaries in one day across the Stokes and Filton

Library image of someone climbing over a wall.

Police are urging residents to be aware after four burglaries were reported in the Bradley Stoke, Stoke Gifford and Filton areas on the afternoon of Wednesday 7th June.

The first happened in the Kings Drive area of Stoke Gifford, between 12.30pm and 1.50pm, when police were called after a postal worker spotted that a window had been smashed. Officers attended and found that the window was smashed using a spade which did not belong to the household. A purse containing cash and cards was stolen.

The Filton burglary happened sometime between 2.30pm and 5.30pm. Thieves used a plant pot to smash the patio door of a house near Shield Road Primary School in Northville. They stole cash, bank cards and a laptop. A witness has said they saw a man acting suspiciously in the area just after 3pm. This man was described as white, in his 30s, between 5ft 8ins and 5ft 10ins tall, of slim build with short, light-coloured hair. He was wearing a grey top, jeans and trainers

Police were called to the second incident in Stoke Gifford at 3pm – by a witness who checked after hearing a loud noise and saw a man making off from a house in Rock Lane. Officers found a window had been smashed but no entry gained. The man was described as being in his late 20s, about 5ft 10ins tall, of slim and athletic with black hair and wearing a white T-shirt.

During the same day, thieves gained entry to a house in Sherbourne Avenue, Bradley Stoke and stole cash and keys. The burglary was discovered when the householders came home. House-to-house enquiries found that a witness had seen a man in a neighbouring garden at about 3.30pm. This man was described as white, about 6ft tall, of slight, athletic build with short, light-coloured hair. He was wearing shorts and a white vest.

Neighbourhood Inspector Clive Summerill said:

“We know that one of the best deterrents is for criminals to know that residents in a neighbourhood look out for one another and report suspicious incidents – that’s why Neighbourhood Watch helps to keep communities safe. I’d like to thank the postal worker and the witness who called us straight away to report their suspicions. I’d ask anyone who spots something that doesn’t seem right around a neighbour’s property to get in touch with us immediately.”

A police spokesperson added:

“If you see someone acting suspiciously around a neighbour’s property, call police straight away. If they’re obviously breaking in, ring 999. Otherwise, call the non-emergency number 101: operators are on hand 24/7.”

Anyone with information which could help officers’ enquiries into these burglaries is asked to get in touch through contact, or by calling 101, quoting reference 5217127699 (Kings Drive area); 5217127883 (Rock Lane); 5217127921 (Northville) or 5217128272 (Bradley Stoke).

Alternatively ring the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. They never ask your name or trace your call, and you could qualify for a reward.

If you’re interested in joining or setting up a Neighbourhood Watch, there’s more information on the police website,, or call 101 for advice.

Home security advice from Avon and Somerset Police:

  • Fit motion-sensing security lights around your property
  • Keep tools locked up in a secure shed or garage #
  • Make sure garden furniture and wheelie bins can’t be moved to gain access to upstairs windows
  • Lock up and set the alarm at night as well as when you go out
  • Hide your keys and handbag or wallet safely out of sight
  • Keep cash in the bank and high-value jewellery with a secure storage company, not at home
  • Never leave keys in the back of the door or window

Source: Press release from Avon and Somerset Police

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