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Jubilee Green volunteer group faces uncertain future as trustees step down

Friends of Jubilee Green volunteers.

A letter from Michelle Dent, trustee of the Friends of Jubilee Green.

Today (Sunday 19th March) we have had another successful and well attended Mother’s Day craft event. Everyone who came had a thoroughly enjoyable time meeting new families and catching up with old friends. We have seen children having a fantastic afternoon being creative and playing and we have received lots of positive feedback.

We have had fantastic support from the Woodcraft Folk, whose members helped prepare the craft material, and the ongoing support from our husbands in setting up and running the event.

However, the time has come for Michelle, Helen and Sam to step down from their roles. We all have increasing commitments at work and home and are struggling to commit our time to Friends of Jubilee Green.

Today’s event has further reinforced that the charity is still needed and we would like it to continue. Could you volunteer to take this charity forward? Are you passionate about play and building strong communities? We would love to hear from you.

We are keen to support the transition of the charity to new trustees and will be on hand to give support and help if needed.

We have plans to run three more community events this year and are aiming to deliver our final project to improve the pond, but we will be unable to continue in 2018.

If you are interested in finding out what’s involved or feel you can take on a role, please e-mail us at or come to our next event on Saturday 8th April and introduce yourself. The existing trustees are easy to spot – we wear red Friends of Jubilee Green t-shirts.

More information: Friends of Jubilee Green on Facebook

Friends of Jubilee Green Mother's Day craft event on Sunday 19th March 2017.

Photos: 1 Friends of Jubilee Green volunteers with former mayor Cllr Brian Hopkinson. 2 Mother’s Day craft event on Sunday 19th March 2017.

This article originally appeared in the April 2017 issue of the Bradley Stoke Journal news magazine (on page 7). The magazine is delivered FREE, EVERY MONTH, to 9,500 homes in Bradley Stoke, Little Stoke and Stoke Lodge. Phone 01454 300 400 to enquire about advertising or leaflet insertion.

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