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Overnight closures of Bradley Stoke Way set to continue this week

Overnight road closure on Bradley Stoke Way - for MetroBus resurfacing work.

MetroBus contractors Alun Griffiths have announced that overnight closures of Bradley Stoke Way for final resurfacing will continue from Monday to Friday this week (30th January to 3rd February), between the hours of 8pm and 5am.

The westbound-only closures between Patchway Brook Roundabout (near Aldi) and the Aztec West Roundabout seen in the last two weeks will continue, weather permitting, until mid-week when the closure will switch to the eastbound carriageway from the Aztec West Roundabout down to Patchway Brook Roundabout. The majority of the width of Bradley Stoke Way will by then have had its final wearing surface applied, with just the eastbound lane remaining to be done.

A statement on the Griffiths community webpage for the Bradley Stoke zone of the MetroBus construction project states:

“A key area for traffic day or night is Aztec West to Woodlands Lane to enter the Hilton and industrial estate. We estimate we should complete work in this area over two nights, meaning two night time closures where diversions between the times stated will need to be followed and entry made via Pear Tree Road. Once complete, this area will be opened, leaving the remainder of the eastbound carriageway down to Patchway Brook to be surfaced. This is likely to require further night time work next week to complete.”

“We shall identify the exact nights closer to the time, again considering the weather forecast, and alert the usual websites [e.g. the Bradley Stoke Journal and our own community site].”

A Griffiths spokesperson added:

“We are doing what we can to minimise noise disruption to immediate residents but there is vehicle noise and vibration associated with this essential work.”

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N.B. Any updates received through the week, will be appended as comments on this post.

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  1. The planned overnight closure on Tuesday 31st January has been cancelled.

    A spokesperson for MetroBus contractors Alun Griffiths said:

    “I am advised by the works manager on BSW that due to the forecast of prolonged heavy rain tonight (Tuesday 31st January) that scheduled wearing course surfacing work has been cancelled. As a consequence, the closure of the westbound carriageway will not be implemented this evening and the road will remain open in each direction.”

    “Surfacing took place late last night after the cessation of heavy rain early evening.”

    “Decisions on surfacing for the remainder of this week will be considered daily dependant on the weather forecast. We are striving to make progress where we can and prevent where possible further delays to the scheduled surfacing programme.”

  2. The overnight closure on Wednesday 1st February WILL proceed as planned.

    A spokesperson for MetroBus contractors Alun Griffiths said:

    “The decision has been taken after considering tonight’s weather forecast (Wednesday 1st February) to proceed with the wearing surface programme for the Westbound Carriageway of Bradley Stoke Way between Patchway brook Roundabout and Aztec West. Therefore the closure westbound will be implemented as usual at 8pm. Diversions will apply.”

    “The Eastbound carriageway from Aztec west will be open as normal.”

    “The forecast towards the weekend is bleak and uncertain with not even TV meteorologists agreeing whether the tail end of a Hurricane approaching across the Atlantic will hit our shores. As the surfacing work is dependent on fairer weather we will again tomorrow consider the options one day at a time of the potential to continue night time surfacing.”

  3. The overnight closure on Thursday 2nd February WILL proceed as planned.

    A spokesperson for MetroBus contractors Alun Griffiths said:

    “Good progress was made surfacing last night. The decision has been taken after considering tonight’s weather forecast (Thursday 2nd February) to proceed with the wearing surface programme for the westbound carriageway of Bradley Stoke Way between Patchway Brook Roundabout and Aztec West. Therefore the closure westbound will be implemented as usual at 8pm until 5am or sooner. Diversions will apply.”

    “The eastbound carriageway from Aztec West will be open as normal.”

    “If tonight is successful it could conclude westbound surfacing works meaning that the next night time work will be on the eastbound with the newly surfaced and lined Westbound open. Hopefully this will commence Friday night but the forecast towards the weekend continues to be unclear for the Bradley Stoke area with some forecasts advising we may miss the impending storm. As the surfacing work is dependent on fairer weather we will again tomorrow consider the options one day at a time of the potential to continue night time surfacing.”

  4. The overnight closure on Friday 3rd February WILL proceed as planned.

    N.B. This will be an eastbound closure between the Woodlands Lane junction and Patchway Brook Roundabout (near Aldi).

    A spokesperson for MetroBus contractors Alun Griffiths said:

    “Westbound surfacing on Bradley Stoke Way is now complete between Patchway Brook and Aztec West. Tonight Friday 3rd February 2017 we shall be switching to Eastbound work between Woodlands Lane and Patchway Brook roundabout to prepare the surface for the final wearing course. This will include planing the existing surface. This is the noisiest part of the work and we will complete this during the first half of the shift. This is not weather dependant. Consequently the Eastbound Carriageway will be closed at Woodlands Lane junction TONIGHT between 8pm and 5am or sooner but Aztec West to Woodlands Lane will be open. Diversions will apply during these times. The Westbound carriageway will remain open at all times now.”

    “Next week night time closures will continue Eastbound to complete the surfacing works. This will mean an intended three night time closures of the entire Eastbound carriageway from Aztec West to Patchway Brook during the first three nights Monday to Wednesday each from 8pm until 5am or sooner. The remainder of the week will include Eastbound closures from Woodlands Lane to Patchway Brook for the final wearing surface. Again, the surfacing work is weather dependant and a judgement will need to be made daily.”

    “Access will be maintained for residents to Orchard Gate through the works as necessary.”

    “We again thank the residents and businesses for their continued patience, particularly those in close proximity to the surfacing works and apologise for the disturbance whilst we conclude our works in this area.”

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