The Bradley Stoke Journal website was retired at the end of 2024. It is being retained for the time being as a historical record. Looking for something specific? – Try using the Search function.
Tesco Extra Bradley Stoke staff members Dawn Richards (community champion, left) and Katie Palmer (right) invite shoppers to throw wet sponges at Atilla Kiss (home delivery manager) to raise funds for the Kisses for Kaylum appeal.

Bradley Stoke Tesco Extra staff raise funds for the ‘Kisses for Kaylum’ appeal

Staff at the Tesco Extra store in Bradley Stoke have taken part in a special fundraising initiative that will contribute towards the cost of potentially life-saving treatment for a five-year-old Bristol boy who suffers from a rare form of cancer. Kaylum Ryan’s family is desperately trying to raise £280,000 so they can take him to America for a pioneering treatment

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Students from St Bede's Catholic College, Bristol involved in 'Vitae', formed as part of the Young Enterprise scheme.

Young Enterprise success for local company

A group of Year 10 students from St Bede’s Catholic College have formed a company called Vitae which has become popular in the locality and won several awards for its original product. The team members and business directors include Ann Biju, Samuel Brady, Amara Fordham-Vizcaino, Gelo Tano, John Estopen, Kieran Wilson and Adam Ankudowicz. We spoke to managing director Ann

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Olympus Academy Trust leaders at a Duke of Edinburgh's Award presentation.

School leaders celebrate Duke of Edinburgh’s Award success at Buckingham Palace

Olympus Academy Trust (OAT) leaders were recently invited to attend a once-in-a-lifetime Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (DofE) Gold Award presentation at Buckingham Palace, London. At the event, the trust was presented with a special plaque from the DofE charity, acknowledging their commitment to running the DofE and thanking the organisation for giving young people the opportunity to transform their lives. The DofE is celebrating its

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Abacus Pre-School campfire in Savages Wood, Bradley Stoke.

Pre-schoolers discover local woodlands

The children of Abacus Pre-School @ Meadowbrook and Abacus Pre-School @ Baileys Court enjoyed a wonderfully wet morning discovering the local woodlands at Savages Wood! The children from each setting were invited along with their parents to join in some fun woodland activities, including ‘filling a bucket with woodland treasure’, musical instruments, stories & puppets and ‘bug hunts’ with magnifying

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Ellie Holley, the first girl at 1st Bradley Stoke Scouts to attain the Chief Scout's Gold Award.

First for 1st Bradley Stoke Scout Group!

Ellie Holley has become the first girl at 1st Bradley Stoke Scouts to attain her Chief Scout’s Gold Award. Made up of nine challenge badges – Adventure, Community, Creative, Expedition, Fitness, Global, Outdoor, Outdoor Plus and Promise – it is the highest award available to the Scout section. She has hiked, camped, cooked on an open campfire, taught more junior

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