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Two-week reprieve on MetroBus lane closure

New TEN-WEEK lane closure set to start at Aztec West in mid-October.

MetroBus contractors Alun Griffiths Ltd have announced a two-week reprieve on the start date for a new peak-time lane closure on Bradley Stoke Way.

The nearside lane on the westbound approach to the Aztec West Roundabout was expected to be closed full-time for ten weeks from Monday (17th October), but Griffiths now say that, for the first two weeks of this period, the lane will only be coned-off between 9.30am and 4pm. Thereafter, i.e. from Monday 31st October, the lane will be closed full-time.

The lane closure, which is expected to last until Christmas, is necessary to allow the construction of a new bus lane that will allow buses to by-pass the roundabout when making a left turn from Bradley Stoke Way onto the southbound A38.

Work on this section of the MetroBus route had been delayed due to the discovery of an unchartered gas main, an issue which has now been resolved by Wales & West Utilities, who were due to vacate the site last Friday.

The reopening of the right-turn out of Woodlands Lane is dependent on the completion of the work on Bradley Stoke Way, due to the need to synchronise the traffic lights at the Woodlands Lane junction with those at the Aztec West Roundabout.

A spokesperson for Griffiths said:

“The lane closure is regrettable, but necessary to complete the work that will enable us to get the Woodlands Lane junction fully functional by Christmas. We are aware that this is likely to cause delays, but the work is unavoidable in order to complete the scheduled work safely and on time.”

There have also be changes implemented this weekend within the (non-MetroBus) A38 improvement roadworks at Aztec West. The central reserve between the Aztec West Roundabout and M5 Junction 16 has been converted to a vehicle lane and narrow lanes introduced on the southbound carriageway.

Narrow lanes are now operational in both the northbound and southbound directions along with a temporary central reserve barrier and a temporary 30mph speed limit. This is intended to provide enough working space to safely construct the A38 southbound widening.

Advanced utility works have also commenced on the A38 southbound footway, which is now partly closed to pedestrian traffic with a pedestrian diversion in operation.

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