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Motorists hopping mad over MetroBus traffic lights at Rabbit Roundabout

Great Stoke Roundabout (a.k.a. Rabbit Roundabout), Bradley Stoke, Bristol.

The installation of temporary traffic lights at Great Stoke Roundabout (a.k.a. Rabbit Roundabout) at the bottom of Bradley Stoke Way (BSW) for a few days in the second week of August caused chaos for motorists in the local area, jamming up routes into and out of Bradley Stoke, Winterbourne and Stoke Gifford.

The lights were installed to facilitate the closure of the northbound carriageway of Great Stoke Way to allow it to be resurfaced following the construction of a new bus lane for the MetroBus project.

Outraged motorists took to the Journal’s Facebook page to express their anger at the delays, the “poor synchronisation” of the lights and the apparent lack of work taking place on the closed section of Great Stoke Way.

Readers commented on the lack of notice given, which echoes a similar event at the other end of Bradley Stoke Way in May when one of three lanes on the approach to the Aztec West Roundabout was closed without notice during the morning peak, causing gridlock throughout Bradley Stoke.

The lights went into operation on Tuesday 9th August and the story was picked up by BBC Bristol who, the following day, published a video clip with actors reading comments from the Journal’s Facebook page. This was followed by a piece on the radio station’s Breakfast Show on Thursday 11th August, by which time the traffic lights had “conveniently been removed” (in the words of the BBC presenter).

An update posted to the website of MetroBus contractors Alun Griffiths sometime after 9pm on Wednesday night said:

“We can confirm that the temporary traffic lights which have been located at Great Stoke Way and Parkway North roundabouts will be removed tonight (Wednesday 10th August), ahead of schedule.”

A selection of comment from the Journal’s Facebook page

Julie T: “Just spent 15 mins from Baileys Court roundabout by church to Bunny Roundabout and the traffic was queued right back past Savages Wood Roundabout! Why put lights there if no one is actually working?”

Jane J: “Was chaos when I came through that area at 7.20am, the traffic was backed up nearly all the way up the hill to Winterbourne! Glad I was going the opposite direction!”

Dean W: “Why have the contra flow? Just close the road in that direction and reroute through Parkway Station. Most traffic will have come from there anyway.”

Sam U: “Just took me seven minutes and three light changes to get through! Why are they even there? Nobody knows!

Tanya B: Just been through this nightmare, and there is no one working at all on the road being resurfaced, do they clock off before 3:45? Nice job!”

See more comments on these Facebook posts:

MetroBus roadworks: The worst is yet to come!

As reported in our August magazine, Griffiths plan to close the nearside lane of BSW on the Aztec West approach full-time for a period of 12 weeks. This work is currently on hold pending resolution of the uncharted gas main issue mentioned in that report. You have been warned!

This article originally appeared in the September 2016 edition of the Bradley Stoke Journal news magazine, delivered FREE, EVERY MONTH, to 9,500 homes in Bradley Stoke, Little Stoke and Stoke Lodge. Phone 01454 300 400 to enquire about advertising or leaflet insertion.

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One comment

  1. An idea that may prove useful to reduce delays & reduce time taken to complete the work is a lane rental scheme as used in London, Kent & few other councils. Under the scheme the contractor pays a daily charge between £300 & £800 a day to close a lane or up to £2000 a day for a complete road closure.

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