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Team on the lookout for Bradley Stoke’s best front garden

Winning entry in the 2015 Bradley Stoke in Bloom Best Front Garden competition.

An update from Sara Messenger of the Bradley Stoke in Bloom group.

I’m sure many of us will have been out tending our own gardens over the last few weekends, so I hope you will give some thought to entering our annual ‘Best Front Garden’ competition. 2015 was our third year running this competition and although we only had eight entries and the gardens ranged from small and charming to large and colourful, we were very impressed by them all.

Maureen Hopkins who scooped first prize two years in a row chose not to enter last year, so we were delighted when she agreed to be a guest judge for us instead.

The gardens are judged in four categories: well kept frontage; quantity / quality of plants; well kept lawn, paths & driveway; and outstanding character. Last year our winner took home, our plaque engraved with his name, a meal for four donated by the Harvester restaurant and a £25 voucher donated by Almondsbury Garden Centre. 2nd and 3rd places also received an engraved trophy and everyone received an engraved medal and a certificate. This year we will be having a few changes to our competition and will be judging the gardens in mid-July (instead of the end of that month) and there will be an option, arranged through BSiB, to allow residents to come and see the gardens entered for themselves.

Our prizes have traditionally been presented by the Mayor at the Bradley Stoke Carnival in August, but as that event is taking a break this year, we will be looking for a new venue to award our prizes.

I hope this will be the year you give it a go; after all you can’t win it if you’re not in it! All you need to do to enter is to fill out our entry form and either email it to us or drop it off at the town council office at the Jubilee Centre by noon on Friday 8th July. Forms can be obtained from our website, Facebook page or from the town council office and Bradley Stoke Library.

How to contact Bradley Stoke in Bloom:

Photo: Winning entry in the 2015 Best Front Garden competition.

This article originally appeared in the June 2016 edition of the Bradley Stoke Journal news magazine, delivered FREE, EVERY MONTH, to 9,500 homes in Bradley Stoke, Little Stoke and Stoke Lodge. Phone 01454 300 400 to enquire about advertising or leaflet insertion.

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