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[Forum] Fire on Tump was “mindless act of destruction”

Aftermath of a fire on the Tump, Bradley Stoke, Bristol.

My wife and I sadly witnessed a mindless act of destruction yesterday on the big hill in the nature reserve. On our walk we saw several teenagers on the hill and 5 minutes later a fire broke out where they were standing which quickly grew out of control.

We called the police and fire service to attend and confronted the youths only to receive a load of verbal and aggressive abuse back, so we departed to wait for the fire service.

The group continued to hang around for 10-15 minutes, but sadly neither the police nor fire service attended.

Two PCSOs called by our house about 45 mins later, although they couldn’t find where the fire happened.

Photo: Aftermath of fire on the Tump.

Name withheld

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  1. I am very saddened that this has happened to one of Bradley Stokes most beautiful places. HOWEVER, posting a story without understanding the full situation is extremely insensitive. the “Youths” which you are referring to did not purposely start this fire. YES in fact they were playing with small lighters however it was not there intention to start this destruction. YES they are at fault, but know that they are extremely sorry and DID attempt to put the fire out when people started putting cameras in their faces and asking them why they were not taking care of the fire. ONE they were indeed taking care of the fire and TWO please note that these “youths” are not fire fighters. they are teenagers. if a fire gets out of control they need assistance. NOT having adults act like reporters trying to get the latest news. Maybe they got “aggressive” because it is hard to fight I fire when there is a camera in your face.

  2. @sarah: “the “Youths” which you are referring to did not purposely start this fire. YES in fact they were playing with small lighters”.

    Here’s a clue: lighters tend to set fire to things they come into contact with.

    Maybe you should educate your offspring accordingly to avoid future occurrences?