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‘Couch to 5k’ participants graduate at parkrun

Members of North Bristol Running Group join graduates of the group's recent 'Couch to 5k' course at the Little Stoke parkrun on 19th March 2016.

The Little Stoke parkun on 19th March saw a record turnout from members of Bradley Stoke based North Bristol Running Group (NBRG), including many “graduates” from the group’s recent ‘Couch to 5k’ course that had started on 29th January.

‘Couch to 5k’ is a beginners’ programme that the group runs two or three times a year. It involves exercises and short runs to begin with, building up to 5km in just eight weeks.

Writing on the NBRG Facebook page prior to the parkrun, coach Alan Wilcox said: “All the beginners have done such an amazing job – we are all feeling very proud of you all right now. We would like to thank all the leaders/helpers who have helped to make this beginners’ course such a great success. We look forward to seeing all our [now] ‘improvers’ on a Tuesday / Wednesday night.”

NBRG helper Richard Nuell added later: “What a truly wonderful ‘graduation’ for our new runners at Little Stoke this morning. I’ve never known an atmosphere like it, or seen so many lovely smiley faces, in all my years of running and it was a pleasure to be there.”

Course participant Kathryn Harris wrote: “The beginners’ course has been fantastic. Thank you to you ALL for the warm welcome, encouragement and support. I never thought I could run and enjoy it, but I have been proved wrong!”

Another participant, Jo Russell, added: “Thank you so much everyone for all your hard work and encouragement over the last few weeks, I can’t believe I actually did it and I enjoyed it. (Never thought I’d say that about running!) … I look forward to many more runs with the group!”

The next ‘Couch to 5k’ course is expected to start in May or June – keep an eye on the group’s Facebook page for more details.

NBRG’s main runs take place on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings at 6.30pm, while the ‘school run’ section meets on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings at 9.15am (term-time only). All runs start from Bradley Stoke Surgery on Brook Way.

For more information, follow the North Bristol Running Group Facebook page or contact Alan Wilcox on 07890 182387 or

This article originally appeared in the April 2016 edition of the Bradley Stoke Journal news magazine, delivered FREE, EVERY MONTH, to 9,500 homes in Bradley Stoke, Little Stoke and Stoke Lodge. Phone 01454 300 400 to enquire about advertising or leaflet insertion.

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