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Free dog microchipping event this Saturday on Jubilee Green

Free dog microchipping event in Bradley Stoke on Saturday 19th March 2016.

A local animal welfare group is offering FREE microchipping for dogs at a special event in Bradley Stoke on Saturday (19th March).

Organised by the Friends of South Glos Strays, the event comes just two weeks before a new law comes into force making it compulsory for all dogs over the age of 8 weeks to be microchipped.

Each microchip, which is about the size of a grain of rice, will be officially registered with an approved microchip database, which will hold up-to-date information about the dog and its owner’s contact details.

The event will take place from 10am to 2pm on Jubilee Green, Savages Wood Road, Bradley Stoke BS32 8HL.

The organisers say they aim to “chip” as many dogs as they can. No pre-registration is needed. If there is a queue, tickets will be issued and times allocated.

According to the government, lost and stray dogs cost the taxpayer and welfare charities £33 million per year.

The new law is designed to make owners more accountable for their pets, helping authorities to identify the owners of dangerous dogs.

It is hoped that microchipping will reduce the burden on animal charities and local authorities and help protect the welfare of dogs by promoting responsible dog ownership.

Once the new rules come into effect, if a dog without a microchip comes to the attention of the authorities, its keeper may be served with a notice requiring the dog to be microchipped, and may face criminal prosecution and a £500 fine if they do not comply with the notice.

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One comment

  1. “if a dog without a microchip comes to the attention of the authorities, its keeper may be served with a notice requiring the dog to be microchipped”.

    Hmmm, if it has no chip then there’s no easy way to identify the owner……that’s why owners have their dogs chipped in the first place.

    Another piece of pointless leglisation that our illustrious leaders haven’t properly thought through.

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