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MetroBus contractor publishes phasing plans

Footway closure on the north side of Bradley Stoke Way.

MetroBus construction firm Alun Griffiths (Contractors) Ltd has published detailed phasing plans for the work it is carrying out on Bradley Stoke Way between Aztec West and Patchway Brook Roundabout.

The plans, which show work on this stretch of the road continuing until December 2016, appeared without announcement on the firm’s community website just days after local MP Jack Lopresti called for better communication between South Gloucestershire Council, local councillors, the contractors and members of the public.

The Journal understands that local residents affected by the works have been sent a letter outlining the plans for this section of the project, which states that it is expected that the Woodlands Lane junction will be fully open and signalised by “late autumn” – a further slippage from the “start of September” date given at the public meeting organised by Mr Lopresti on 26th February.

The letter confirms plans to close the footway along [both sides of] Bradley Stoke Way between Woodlands Lane and Orchard Gate, with lengthy alternative routes for pedestrians being signposted (see map below). The closures are said to be required for “pedestrian safety” and to allow contractors to “work more quickly and better mitigate any future unforeseen issues”.

Pedestrian diversion routes during closure of the footpaths on either side of Bradley Stoke Way.

The footway on the north side of the road was duly closed last week (see photo above). A source at Griffiths said the footway on the south side will be kept open “for as long as possible”.

The Journal understands that the footway closure on the north side could last until June, with the closure on the south side possibly extending until August.

No phasing plans have yet been published for the stretch of Bradley Stoke Way between Patchway Brook Roundabout (near Aldi) and Savages Wood Roundabout (near the Leisure Centre). Work on this stretch commenced on 25th February and is expected to be completed “by the end of the year”.

MetroBus construction work status report (14/3/16)

Woodlands Lane

The ‘left turn in’ reopened on 26th February, however, the left lane of Bradley Stoke Way coming off the Aztec West Roundabout will remain closed “to ensure safe traffic flows through the site on the approach to the works”.

The ‘left turn out’ is expected to open by June 2016 (not signalised).

The ‘right turn in’ and ‘right turn out’ are now expected to reopen by “late autumn”.

Near Patchway Brook Roundabout

Phasing plans show the zebra crossing on Bradley Stoke Way near Bradley Pavilions remaining closed until August, however, a source at Griffiths told The Journal: “We are still working hard to get the crossing temporarily open for the end of March. The phasing plans refer to the full opening of the crossing with belisha beacons, which requires an electricity supply.”

Patchway Brook Roundabout to Savages Wood Roundabout

Traffic management measures were installed on 25th/26th February.

Work now under way on north-east side of road between Bowsland Way and Primrose Bridge, following vegetation clearance.

Holes are currently being dug in the verge on the south-west side of Bradley Stoke Way to accommodate temporary streetlights while the widening works are taking place on the other side.

Near Savages Wood Roundabout

Work has commenced near the entrance to the Willow Brook Centre to install a new MetroBus bus stop in part of what is currently the off-slip bus lane into the shopping centre.

MetroBus construction work on Bradley Stoke Way, between the Orchard Gate junction and Patchway Brook Roundabout.

MetroBus construction work on Bradley Stoke Way, south-east of Patchway Brook Roundabout.

Photos: 1 Footway closure on the north side of Bradley Stoke Way, between the Orchard Gate and Woodlands Lane junctions. 2 Construction work between the Orchard Gate junction and Patchway Brook Roundabout. 3 Construction work on Bradley Stoke, viewed from Primrose Bridge, looking towards Patchway Brook Roundabout.

Related link: MetroBus construction in Bradley Stoke (The Journal)

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One comment

  1. The long pedestrian diversion along Woodlands Lane could be made shorter by going via The Park, another blunder to add to the many already committed.

    Why not put all available workmen to finish off the Woodlands Lane junction before continuing the new section from Pear Tree Roundabout to the Sports Centre.

    Who is in charge of all this fiasco?

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