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Town council gives kebab van trader the boot

Ozzy's Kebabs, Bradley Stoke, Bristol.

Bradley Stoke Town Council has terminated the contract of a kebab van operator who rented a pitch in the car park of Brook Way Activity Centre after the trader breached conditions relating to late payment of fees and non-attendance.

Ozzy’s Kebabs took over the pitch previously used by Oasis Food in 2013, but didn’t begin trading until the following year. The van initially traded seven nights a week, but is understood to have stopped attending in early September 2014.

In October 2014, Ozay Isitman, the owner of the business, told the council that it was running at a loss and he was finding it very difficult to continue trading. He asked the council to modify his contract so that he would only have use of the pitch on Fridays and Saturdays, which was agreed.

However, when the van had still not appeared by March 2014, councillors decided to issue an ultimatum to Mr Isitman, requiring him to recommence trading by 4th April or lose the pitch.

They also imposed special conditions that would result in termination of contract in the event of non-attendance or late payment of pitch hire fees.

The van returned just in time to meet the April deadline, but following late payment of invoices issued for September, November and December 2015, and reports of further non-attendance, the town council gave the trader formal notice to quit, with immediate effect, on 8th December.

A notice advertising a vacancy for a ‘mobile street trader food pitch’ at the Brook Way site has since appeared on the town council’s website.

The town council’s Finance Committee agreed in October 2013 that up to two food traders should be allowed on each of its three sites, saying that this would be “beneficial for the area, offering residents a wider choice of multi-cultural takeaway food facilities within the town, at the same time as offering an extra income stream for the council”. However, in July 2014, following negative public reaction and a contradictory decision by its own Planning Committee, the council decided to revert to its previous policy of having just one trader at Brook Way, one trader at Baileys Court and no traders at the Jubilee Centre.

The only food trader currently operating at any of the council’s sites is Papali’s (formerly Papas Pizzas), which trades six nights a week at Baileys Court Activity Centre.

This article originally appeared in the February 2016 edition of the Bradley Stoke Journal news magazine, delivered FREE, EVERY MONTH, to 9,500 homes in Bradley Stoke, Little Stoke and Stoke Lodge. Phone 01454 300 400 to enquire about advertising or leaflet insertion.

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