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MetroBus construction team to answer public’s questions at drop-in sessions

MetroBus major roadworks sign on Bradley Stoke Way.

MetroBus contractor firm Alun Griffiths has organised two public drop-in information sessions in Bradley Stoke on Thursday (14th January), to provide information about current and future MetroBus construction work in the town.

MetroBus construction public drop-in sessions in Bradley Stoke, January 2016.

The sessions will enable members of the public to discuss issues face-to-face with the construction team, council officers and MetroBus representatives, and enable them to explain any concerns in detail.

The Griffiths construction team says it will take on board all comments raised and also explain to attendees the reasons for the current working methods and the issues experienced.

Drawings, traffic management plans and outline timeframes will also be available to discuss with the construction team.

The representatives will also be happy to explain the reasoning behind the phasing of the current and planned work.

The drop-in sessions will take place as follows:

  • 10.30am to 12.30pm in the Oak Hall at the Jubilee Centre, Savages Wood Road BS32 8HL
  • 6.30pm to 8.30pm in the Cherry Room at Baileys Court Activity Centre, Baileys Court Road BS32 8BH

Simon Dunn, area project manager for Alun Griffiths, said:

“I would like to invite members of the public to come and meet myself and our construction team so that we can openly discuss the issues that they are experiencing and also explain the constraints under which the construction team is working.”

“I look forward to meeting you at the drop-in sessions this Thursday.”

More information: MetroBus Build in Bradley Stoke (The Journal)

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