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[Forum] Aztec Roundabout road layout

Approach to the Aztec West Roundabout on the northbound A38 during MetroBus construction work in November 2015.

The question is which lane do you use to exit for Bradley Stoke from the A38 Northbound/Patchway?

There are four lanes at the junction; two for the A38 northbound & M5 and two right hand lanes, but the road ends if you use lane 3 and is a constant battleground of horns and worse as you exit for Bradley Stoke.

So the question again is which lane do you use to exit for Bradley Stoke from the A38 Northbound/Patchway?

  • Lane 3; or
  • Lane 4

Please vote and respond to the thread 🙂


Ed: Before answering, readers might like to view this series of photos taken at the roundabout:

Related link: MetroBus Build in Bradley Stoke (The Journal)

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  1. It’s a dog’s breakfast.

    The same happened on the Southbound exit to Bradley Stoke. The people who devise the signage give little thought to those who use it.

    Inevitably it causes confusion, which at busy (and even quiet) times leads to frustration, and drivers venting that frustration at each each other – I’ve witnessed MANY instances of abusive behaviour between confused drivers on this piece of road over the past few weeks. It’s unfair to all of us that the lack of thought from the authorities leads to to this.

  2. I wouldn’t be surprised if the person who decided what lane was what drove round it at silly oclock in the morning when nothing was about and didn’t have to contend with lane switchers

  3. @George surely not?

    The pic I’m looking at on this page is quite clear; lane four is for Bradley Stoke, lane three is straight on.

    In fact, the lane three arrow is wider than the other arrows, as if to emphasise the fact that if you’re in lane three then you go straight on.

    Unless my interpretation of the sign is incorrect?

  4. Forget the yellow sign look at the road marking.Lane three has an arrow pointing right as well as straight on. It is not clear from that that lane three disappears
    if you are used to use that for woodland lane.

    BTW its all rat runs now. I try and get home against the traffic, turning left against the traffic into Foxfield Avenue I find my entrance to Warren close blocked by motorists who have a you shall not pass mentality.

    Is it not beyond the wit of the so called planners to do the Woodland Lane junction first and reopen it to traffic and then go and work some where else!

  5. @paul smith the Highway Code states (somewhat bizarrely) that temporary signage overrides permanent road markings as it reflects the current situation but I take your point; the road markings in lane three should have been altered to reflect the signage.