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Bradley Stoke fireworks display raises £2,862 for Mayor’s charities

Bradley Stoke Fireworks Display 2015.

On Sunday 1st November 2015, Bradley Stoke Town Council hosted its annual fireworks event for the thirteenth year running. It was another successful year, where thousands came out to enjoy the fireworks once more.

The Mayor, Cllr Roger Avenin, commented:

“I and many others, enjoyed yet another wonderfully successful fireworks event in Bradley Stoke. It’s a fantastic community-building occasion, and it allows us to look back to a noteworthy event in our national history; the Gunpowder Plot of 1605.”

“As Mayor, I would like to take to opportunity to thank a mass of volunteers, who kindly gave up their time to help collect for the mayoral charities. This year, your kind donations at the fireworks raised £2,862.33, bringing a grand total of £7,275.30 collected for the 2015/16 Mayor’s charities to date.”

“Thank you for your thoughtful generosity, as every penny will go to two worthy charities, Age UK South Gloucestershire and the RSPCA Bristol and District Branch.”

“Now entering the last part of 2015, I would also like to take this opportunity to wish everybody well over this coming winter. I hope you all have a peaceful and happy Christmas.”

Charity collectors at the Bradley Stoke Fireworks Display 2015.

Photos: (1) Fireworks display. (2) Charity collectors.

Source: Press release from Bradley Stoke Town Council.

More photos from the 2015 fireworks display:

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  1. Whilst the funds raised are to be commended, I’d take issue with the Mayor’s comments that “it allows us to look back to a noteworthy event in our national history; the Gunpowder Plot of 1605”.

    99.9% of the British population couldn’t tell you what the gunpowder plot was, yet alone when it occurred.

    To most of the population, it’s an excuse to make lots of noise with impunity.

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