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This Sunday: Scouts invite all to Remembrance parade and ceremony

Bradley Stoke Remembrance Day Parade and Ceremony 2014.

By Katherine Robinson of the 1st Bradley Stoke Scout Group.

Our Scout group and the Willow Brook Centre are busy preparing for the annual Remembrance parade and ceremony on Sunday 8th November. This year will see more participants than ever before as our Scout group has expanded considerably and we have also had more interest from other local youth groups.

Bradley Stoke Remembrance parade on Sunday 8th November 2015.

The groups who have confirmed their attendance so far are 1st Bradley Stoke Girl Guides, Brownies and Rainbows, 2nd Stoke Lodge Brownies, South West Winterguard Academy and Creation Twirlers Majorettes.

Representatives from our local town and county councils and the Reverend Paul Hinckley will also be in attendance. The excellent Filton Concert Brass band will join us in the square, providing beautiful musical accompaniment. We will all be under the watchful eye of our parade marshal Charles Brickley.

This year, our young people are going to pay a special tribute to the Battle of Britain to commemorate its 75th anniversary, as well as incorporating the traditional elements of Remembrance. We would like to extend an invitation to all members of our community to attend the ceremony and you are also very welcome to lay a wreath or cross at the memorial.

The large windows of Boots and the main Willow Brook Centre entrance will be decorated with large collage poppies that have been made by our young people and other members of the local community.

Local Remembrance parades and ceremonies

  • Bradley Stoke: Sunday 8th November – Parade from the Jubilee centre at 10.30am. Ceremony in the town square at 10.40am.
  • Stoke Gifford: Sunday 8th November – Ceremony at the cenotaph, North Road at 10.15pm followed by services at St Michael’s Church and Rock Lane Baptist Church at 11am.
  • Patchway: Sunday 15th November – Parade from the car park near Coniston Medical Practice at 10.15am followed by Remembrance service at the war memorial in Scott Park.

Armistice Day commemorations at 11am on 11th November

Short ceremonies organised by the Stoke Gifford Royal British Legion, with the Exhortation, Last Post, Two Minute Silence, Reveille and Kohima Epitaph.

  • Bradley Stoke: Willow Brook Centre
  • Stoke Gifford: Parkway Station and Sainsbury’s Supermarket

This article originally appeared in the November 2015 edition of the Bradley Stoke Journal news magazine, delivered FREE, EVERY MONTH, to 9,500 homes in Bradley Stoke, Little Stoke and Stoke Lodge. Phone 01454 300 400 to enquire about advertising or leaflet insertion.

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  1. Hi Steve,
    Yes I got that but it says nothing about veterans on the parade. Just wondered if they were part of it or they are just standing around at the Willow Brook Centre..

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