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Replacing mayoral chain could cost up to £4,000

Bradley Stoke Town Council.

Members of Bradley Stoke Town Council (BSTC) have been debating a way forward for the mayoral chain, now that it has now reached its maximum capacity for medals (the last one having now been engraved).

Officers reported that it is not feasible to merely add more medals in the main body of the chain, as it would make it too long, but it would be possible to add another line of medals across the back of the chain.

However, councillors have expressed a preference for retiring the current chain and purchasing a new one, including a hand painted badge of office for the centre and a carrying case, at an estimated total cost of up to £4,000. Two further quotes are to be obtained before the matter is brought back to council.

Officers have also been tasked with investigating the possible purchase of a simple lapel badge of office to be presented to past (and future) mayors.

Source: BSTC draft minutes, 16th September [MS Word] (see items 12.1.3 & 12.1.4 and Appendix B)

This article originally appeared in the October 2015 edition of the Bradley Stoke Journal news magazine, delivered FREE, EVERY MONTH, to 9,500 homes in Bradley Stoke, Little Stoke and Stoke Lodge. Phone 01454 300 400 to enquire about advertising or leaflet insertion.

• At the earlier Strategic Planning Meeting (held on 7th September), councillors agreed to “RECOMMEND to Full Council” that BSTC spends up to £4,000 to retire the current chain and purchase a new chain (in hallmarked silver gilt) + badge of office + carry case with the cost to be taken from Contingent Reserve and paid back from year-end surplus. A quote of £3,285 for providing these goods and services had been obtained from one potential supplier prior to this recommendation being made.

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  1. £4000 for a chain for a Major? I think that if the Mayor really thinks it’s so important then the Mayor should pay for it. The money would be better spent on the youth of Bradley Stoke, the aged of B.S. or any number of sporting requirements.

    I think it’s obscene!

  2. So they save money by turning off the street lights at night? by reducing the amount of dog waste bins? by reducing how often the grass is cut? and so on and so on……….Then they want to spend some of the saved money on a chain that has no purpose at all?……..I think they need to have a hard think before putting this forward as nobody that voted would be happy with that.

  3. Can’t lopresti put it on his MP expenses?

    Why do they need gold chains anyway? Other elected representatives don’t have or need them. Our very popular local MEP Ashley Fox doesn’t need a chain to go to represent Bradley Stoke in the Parliament so why do these guys need such trappings?

  4. If the councillors really believe this expenditure is necessary then they should personally fund it out of their own pockets.

    And none of this malarkey with claiming it back in expenses.

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