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Roger scoops Best Front Garden competition

Bradley Stoke in Bloom (BSiB) Best Front Garden competition winner Roger Burgess (centre) with BSiB’s Sara Messenger (left) and Bradley Stoke Mayor Roger Avenin.

An update from Sara Messenger of the Bradley Stoke in Bloom group.

This is the third year we have run this competition and we are pleased that this year we had a record number of entries. Even though several gardeners told us that because of this year’s weather their gardens weren’t at their best, we were very impressed by the gardens we saw.

Maureen Hopkins, who has won for the last two years, decided not to enter this year, so we were delighted when she agreed to be a Guest Judge for us instead.

The gardens were judged on four categories: well kept frontage; quantity/quality of plants; well kept lawn, paths, driveway; and outstanding character.

The winners are:

1st: Roger Burgess
2nd: Valerie & Cyril Bristow
3rd: Alisa & Richard Aquilina
4th: Pepi & Plamen Grozdanovi

Runner up medals and certificates were also awarded to Mr & Mrs Sheppard, Krishnan Rambadhran, Mrs Margaret Howdle and Anna Price.

Winner Roger said “I am absolutely elated by the result. Thank you very much indeed!! It’s a treat for me that others get some enjoyment from the flowers.”

Thank you to Almondsbury Garden Centre and the Harvester restaurant at Willow Brook for donating vouchers for our top prizes, to Ben at Timpson’s for the engraving and to Mayor Roger Avenin for giving out the prizes at this year’s carnival.

How to contact Bradley Stoke in Bloom:

Winning entry in the 2015 Bradley Stoke in Bloom Best Front Garden competition.

Photos: (1) Winner Roger Burgess (centre) with BSiB’s Sara Messenger (left) and Bradley Stoke Mayor Roger Avenin; (2) Roger Burgess’ winning front garden.

More photos of the entered gardens and prize winners can be found on the BSiB Facebook page.

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