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Child and youth group activities at Christ the King

Christ the King youth group 4Mation ice skating at The Mall.

Now that a new school year has started, so has a new set of children and youth group activities at the Church of Christ the King (CtK) in Bradley Stoke. A group of dedicated and enthusiastic volunteers ensure there is a wide and varied set of events running throughout term times.

So, what groups are available?

First Steps

Toddler group at Christ the King, Bradley Stoke, Bristol.

First Steps runs from 10am til 11.30am Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays and it offers free play, story time, singing, craft, parachute play, snack time (for children and grown ups) and much more! The cost of the session is £2 for up to two children and any additional children or adults are 50p. It offers a friendly, relaxed atmosphere for you and your little ones to enjoy and hope you will join us!

Sunday groups

During the Sunday morning service, several groups run to pitch biblical stories and activities at relevant age groups with Bubbles (3 to school age), Sparklers (5–11) and Lazers (11–14). Come along to the service and let the kids get their own style of worship at the same time!


This group meets on a Wednesday evening and is aimed at 5 to 11 year-olds. Trailblazers is a newly launched club replacing the Daring 2B Different session. Trailblazers children take part in great games, crafts and activities. The group runs every week during term time.

“I love club because I get to spend time with my friends, doing the arts and crafts and playing games.”


What happens at 4Mation is up to the people who attend, this could be YOU!  4Mation provides youth with a fun, safe environment on a Friday night to meet with friends, take part in games and activities and explore some of life’s questions through discussion and bible study.  When we have an “in-week” at CtK it starts with games, might then have a discussion and bible study before finishing up with art, quizzes or even more games.  However, not every evening is spent at CtK; we go out and about be it to ice skating, bowling or treasure hunts, and ending up with fast food.

Weeks at Christ the King are free of charge though there may be a charge when the group goes out and about.

4Mation was set up for 11-14 year-olds but is in the process of expanding out to cover the 11-18 age group. Discussion sessions will be split into the 11-14 and 15-18 age groups to cover different topics in due course as the group grows.

• The above groups are open to all children from across the community and we really would like to see you at this term’s sessions. Why don’t you come along and try one? You will be made very welcome.


If you would like or need the opportunity to volunteer in a support role or as a leader for these groups, CtK is always interested in hearing from you. Would you like to come along to a session and introduce yourself? Perhaps you would just like to give it a go? Well, like the kids who come along, you can do this too, just pop along and see what it is like and if it suits you. You will be welcomed to a friendly team.

• If you would like to know more about the sessions your kids can come along to, or the volunteer opportunities, contact Andy North via the Church Office on 0117 931 2304.

Photos: (1) 4Mation ice skating at The Mall. (2) First Steps toddler group sing-along session.

This article originally appeared in the September 2015 edition of the Bradley Stoke Journal news magazine, delivered FREE, EVERY MONTH, to 9,500 homes in Bradley Stoke, Little Stoke and Stoke Lodge. Phone 01454 300 400 to enquire about advertising or leaflet insertion.

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