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GCSE results at BSCS reflect national trends

Top-achieving GCSE students at Bradley Stoke Community School. L-r: Amna Hussain, Marcos Manning, Varun Thapa, James King, Adam Timothy and Emily Porter, Ella Grove.

This year’s GCSE results at Bradley Stoke Community School (BSCS) have reflected local and national trends, with some headline statistics coming in lower than last year, which the school says is “disappointing”.

Behind the headline figures of 54% of students achieving 5A*-C grades including English and Maths (51% last year) and 61% of students achieving 5A*-C grades (80% last year) sit many success stories for individual students and for subjects within the school.

BSCS remains above the average for schools within South Gloucestershire with these positive features: 65% of all GCSE grades awarded were A*-C grades; 35% of all GCSE grades awarded were A*-B grades; and 80% of students achieved an A*-C grade in English or English Language.

Outstanding individual achievements highlighted by the school are:

  • James King 7A*, 5A
  • Adam Timothy 6A*, 6A
  • Tasha Okoye 6A*, 5A, 1B and a Level 2 Award in Youth Work
  • Emily Porter 6A*, 4A, 2B
  • Varun Thapa 5A*, 5A, 2B and C in FSMQAdMaths
  • Sam Watts 2A*, 10A
  • Amna Hussain 2A*, 8A, 2B
  • Ella Grove 2A*, 7A, 2B, Merit
  • Marcos Manning 3A*, 6A, 3B, 1C and E in FSMQAdMaths
  • Nicholas White 1A*, 11A

Executive Headteacher, Dave Baker, said:

“How a school’s performance is measured has changed and is changing further next year. We must not lose sight of some excellent outcomes for students because of concern about how GCSE results are reported for schools. I would like to offer my congratulations to all students within The Olympus Academy Trust who have worked hard and have got the positive outcomes they deserve. I would also like to say thank you to the staff who have taught and supported the students as they have worked tirelessly to do so.”

Headteacher, Jenny Sutton Kirby, said:

“It is always a pleasure to see all the hard work of students and staff (alongside the invaluable support of parents and governors) finally come to fruition on results day and this year is no exception. This year there are some really splendid individual successes to celebrate alongside some strong performances in specific subjects. I have enjoyed having conversations with students today who have felt supported in their studies and have the grades they need to continue on their paths into A levels, college courses and apprenticeships. Sadly, this is my last time to witness results day at BSCS and I would like to wish all the students and staff all the best for the future.”

The overall figures for schools in South Gloucestershire saw 53% of students achieving 5A*-C grades including English and Maths, down from 54% last year.

Photo: Top-achieving students (l-r): Amna Hussain, Marcos Manning, Varun Thapa, James King, Adam Timothy, Emily Porter and Ella Grove.

This article originally appeared in the September 2015 edition of the Bradley Stoke Journal news magazine, delivered FREE, EVERY MONTH, to 9,500 homes in Bradley Stoke, Little Stoke and Stoke Lodge. Phone 01454 300 400 to enquire about advertising or leaflet insertion.

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